Matthew Zinno (commdecker) |
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event |
2023-09-22 - 12:00 AM |
War is Good for Business |
Introduction |
Welcome to this month's game, Everyone's Playing Ferengi (Probably)!
My Ferengi brought some Dominion friends. |
Round 1 |  | Joseph Wisniewski | MW (+1)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
My Jems were rather successful at killing people in this game. Still, Joe kept reporting people quickly, partly with Recruit Mercenaries, which kept digging his points into a hole that he hoped to get out of eventually with an Altonian Brain Teaser. And once one of those people was Penk who brought a big ship, I was worried about ship battle and stopped attacking. The late game was mission attempts. I cleared one mission down to a Dead End, and hit an Exact Change at another. I realized I just couldn't pass that with the people I had, and took the stop-two option, and lost the rest of that team to a killer just before time. With one more turn, I would have played the new Anth I drew, solved that now-clear Energy Readings (with 62 and earlier VILs to bring me to 55), and come back to the Dead-End mission to solve it too. Joe made no attempts until the last few turns, and failed to get through the combo to solve the mission. Our final absolute score was +10 (VIL) to -30 (Recruit Mercs). This was ruled as a MW(+1) for me. |
I didn't draw a Recruit Mercenaries until far into the match. I don't remember a lot else it was a long time ago. |
Round 2 |  | Brian Sykes | ML (-15) |
Brian teched against my Jems with White Deprivation, so each one I pulled out was dead on the next turn. Still, my first two walked onto his FTP to try to take out a person or two.
The big story this game was after he attempted his planet mission. His team was trapped there by my DFG, locked in eternal Lazarus combat from Beta-12, with no-one dying because his strongest people were evenly matched – and triggering my 34th rule every turn. I didn't plan to near-duplicate the recent Worlds situation, but it happened. Eventually I started beaming Jems down to join the combat and kill someone before they died.
I had a tough time finding missions: 3 were duped, including both my space. I tried the planet next to Ferenginar, and was never very stuck but lost 2 couples (LetMeHelp) to Primal Urges. (Quark and Maihardu with Leeta and Vash … not sure what pairings are desired there.) Solving got me 35; unfortunately I attempted without a 62nd Rule. (The turn I attempted, I had planned to Scepter one, but instead I used it to replay a 34th after Brian pulled a 35th.) I should have waited for one, because Brian's eventual solve of the Beta-12 planet, with his 62nd, swung the points 15 in his favor. If I had used one, I would have won by 5 (we were even on 35-point mission, and would-have-been-even on 62nd, and I had a VIL for [5]). x |
Round 3 |  | Rogue Shindler | MW (+50) |
3. Like in the last game, Rogue used White Deprivation, but he also used 34th Rule, so he benefited when I was able to attack. In fact, at one point, he attacked me, sacrificing a shuttle to attack my Jem ship (still there, not planning on doing much with my ASP-Dom leaders gone, but Lam was aboard). I went for missions, and passed Thasian by discarding, then used Bribery for THTF, and a Misinterp stopped me; elsewhere a PADD helped pass FgiInf (without breaking 62nd), and Firestorm killed a few (Rom was there, but no-one was in the range for him to save them). Rogue headed to the GQ for mission attempts, slowed down by the wormhole – he had no SCI, and bought a Science Kit before realizing that the two OFF he'd played had been killed by the battles. He didn't find my misseeds (they were at other of his 6 planets), and couldn't get through the combo (which would have also needed SCI if he'd gotten to the end). At the very end, I finally remembered to use my DH, for Kahless, who got me past the QL at one mission (and solved), and the Misinterp at the other mission (but not solved, not enough Anth). Final score 50 (mission + 62nd + VIL) – 0 (Valuable Prisoner - 62nd). |
Round 4 |  | Jarrod Cafaro | MW (+50)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
4. My Jem'Hadar went back to killing, actually starting with the Sons of Mogh who reported aboard my FTP and killed my mission specialists. Next they killed his Duck Blind, then beamed onto Jarrod's outpost and started killing there. He started hiding his people on his ships, and even cloaking (B'Rel), and eventually tried a mission to find an RGS, and he had no ENGINEERs (ever, for the rest of the game). My Ferengi started attempting and eventually passed High Ground (Kahless+Khan+jemgun helped me not break 62nd) and FgiInf, and solved Energy Readings with (again, I couldn't find any Anth) Suna V Ref/Th + Kahless copying. And this was flying back and forth on a shuttle damaged by Gomtuu, but boosted back to 9 range with 2 Relays. At the end, Jarrod tried a different mission, passing GravDist but not Agg since I'd killed his Anth at the Duck Blind. Final score 50 (mission + 62nd + VIL) – 0 (2 Parallax – 62nd).
Well, drat.
I finally had a chance to use Defend Homeworld to send Son of Mogh to a Ferengi Trading post, ad I slaughtered his mission specialists. But this didn’t slow him down too long. He was using Jem’hadar warship, invasive transporters, Dominion War Efforts, and ASP Jemmies to come and harass me, with 34rule draws. I grabbed two phasers but they didn’t help much. He slaughtered my Anthro guys at duck blind, then came over to my outpost. I hid on my cloaked b’rels.
He was playing Ferengi at Tower of Commerce, but it was slow building as he had many resources devoted to fueling the jem’hadar attack. I played a couple Parallax Arguers and he used a Victory is Life and I was up 10-5 for quite a while.
I finally got two leaders and blew up his Jem’Hadar warship which cost me a b’rel but at least his Jemmies were bottled up on my outpost. I played 62nd rule on Host Metaphasic Shield test and attempted that. Got stuck on a Scow of all things. I had 1 Engineer out, but his Jemmies killed my other one in their attacks. I had three more in the deck plus the Kreyton (DL Any ferengi) but never drew into any of them. So I could never tow the dang scow.
Next door was a planet mission we had duplicated. He had only 1 dilemma there and I had two, but I knew one of mine was dead end, so I could never complete this mission without doing Host Metaphasic Shield test first.
He attempted Ferenginar and got both his ships damaged by Buried Alive/Gomtuu Shockwave. So he went and did the planet next door instead. Lost a bunch of people to High Ground/Parasites, but eventually plowed through Ferengi Infestation and solved the mission for 35 + 10 62nd rule points (causing me to lose 10) and he was up 50-o with the timer running out.
He threw a bunch at Gomtuu shockwave back at Ferenginar but his ship got blown up by God and he was pretty much out of luck.
All I could do as time expired was go attempt Amnesty Talks since I never drew into an engineer. I passed Gravimetric Distortion but had no Anthro at all on my ship and was stopped by Aggressive Behavior (Dang Jemmies killed my two Antro at my duckblind early in the game)
ML 50-0
Closing Thoughts |
Gotta play those 62s! |