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Matthew Zinno (commdecker)
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event
2024-06-24 - 12:00 AM
Try out -- or tech against -- the new Vidiian toys. My even rounds use the posted Vidiian deck, my odd rounds use this Fed holo deck: https://www.trekcc.org/1e/decklists/?mode=viewdeck&deckID=34194

Round 1Alexander SchmitzFW (+75)
[Fed] [holo] Alex's Vidiians had missions in the Delta and Alpha quadrants, and a Barzan Wormhole between them. He wasn't expecting me to be all-space. He went first and jumpstarted with Organ Bank, and headed for his Alpha missions to build a new outpost with Construct Starship, then use its DL to make his second ship reportable. He poked at a mission first, and found a Hippo (getting Dereth; he had no HW and so no Think Tank), then stuck at a QL. I poked next at one of my 35-pointers and also got stuck at a QL. When I poked at a different 35, I found a mis-seeded planet combo, and cleared it but got "killed" by the final TPS, so solved it next turn. He went back to DQ and tried a mission there, losing several to Murder/KazonBomb, and on a later turn (thus including those stopped by Murder) Persistent, which stayed. After that, Alex needed to rebuild for a while. I tried one of my 50-point missions, and the starter was Primal Urges, doubled by his Let Me Help. My deck can't pass that! (See notes.) The other 50-point mission had the same thing. So I tackled my other 35s. Back to the QL, I had my two Kizars by now to pass it, and I cleared down to a Scow which was easy to move. Next one, same combo, but I didn't bring my Kizars b/c staffing issues with the first Scow, and I passed it by downloading both Ref/Th (for Arch) and Fitting In (for another Arch). 3 missions solved, for 35-40 each, not enough to win with all-space. So finally I went towards my last chance, the 6th mission. En route, Alex attempted again and mega-teamed a HazDut/Persistent, passing and solving to be at a total of 25. Trying another mission, he encountered *my* Primal Urges, and failed to pass because it was boosted by *his* Let Me Help! I got to that 6th mission, which indeed had the 3rd repeat combo, the planet one again, and I solved FTW.

Round 2Trek BarnesML (-11)
[Vid] Organ Theft was very happy in this game, I discarded 5 of Boromir's personnel with it. The first was Sloan, who appeared on my Organ Bank with the intent to Capture, but was stymied by my Superior Surgical report (since Sloan was the 3rd of the turn) of a second SECURITY, directly to my Organ Bank thanks to the first-turn ConstStarship>OP>Sodality. Later Thefts were remote via Deadly Donation, and I chose to keep sniping (Law and then) Leadership to try to stop Boromir from passing MisHist. He never did pass that, but eventually did solve a different planet and a space. I slowly plugged away at Seal Rift and eventually solved it, thanks in part to Organ Theft's dial-a-skill for OFFICER for AuthorizedAccess. On the final turn, I tried a DQ planet (after first clearing away the annoying tribbles), and found Exec, which I can only pass with the PADD I hadn't drawn into. Forces dwindling, I almost tried the other DQ planet, but the Tribbles there were too many to overcome. ML 65 (mission and Organ Theft) - 76 (two missions and 6 from PO:M). Also of note, Boromir's deck looked suspiciously enough like a Borg Assim-HW deck that I adjusted my combos just a little, to break up my gender-related dils to different missions.

Round 3Non-AlignedMichael Van BreemenFL (-60)
[Fed] [holo] Michael's Vidiians were just in the DQ (with Homestead), and he was not using Organ Bank or the Superior Surgical "draw" card. So I just needed to keep my personnel plays curbed a bit. Still, I didn't draw Fed ships, so was flying around in two Darmoks, meaning my NA people were needed as pilots. I cleared a mission first, partly by using Cluttering to get past Misinterp, but Michael's "opp choice"s targeted my solver (Brahms) and my NA (Cyrus), so I couldn't solve or leave. I solved the next turn for 40, then headed for a 50-pointer and found a Dead End. Other 50-pointer, Bij. (Okay, quick attempt elsewhere to nullify that) then Mind Probes filtered me to 2 people, and Linguistic Leg … I passed(!) through Janeway and Kim downloading the needed skills. But too few people can't solve Pegasus. I would have brought over solves on another ship, but I was critically low on NA pilots. Over in the DQ, Michael had lost Kurros (with a Harvester) to Hippo and solved, and lost just one person (and 5 HazDut points) to Persistent and solved, and his third mission came down to No Mention of Crime. I chose to stop his solve, but he just came and solved the next turn … a better move for me would have been to eliminate his one Think Tank person, letting him solve but having 95 points; he would have needed another mission. FL 100-40.

Round 4Imperial StarfleetAndrew DorneyMW (+20)
[Vid] Andrew threw an early wrench into my plans by playing all-MQ, which meant I couldn't have my reportable Organ Bank in the AQ where I needed to solve a mission to get around TBP. He did have a NA mission there … but it was the Badlands mission which downloaded NPS, meaning I was taking a risk having my ship and OP there. (Fortunately for that, early in the game Andrew's ship hit the probe that dispelled it.) We both built and played slowly. After failing one dilemma, he then came to where my Organ Bank was parked (not the OP) and attacked me, winning b/c my tactics do low damage. I reported more people there and -- my first time ever using this card -- downloaded a Vidiian Boarding Claw to board his ship and harvest the remaining survivor. Over the next few turns, he rebuilt and I shot his ship some more. Eventually he tried missions again, and hit Deadly Donation which let me harvest another; and I tried a mission in the AQ and hit Dalrok (my first OrganTheft download ought to be Sorum for LD, but wasn't) -- I tried to Extraordinary Measures the death but it got Amanda Protectored. I returned to the DQ for reinforcements (no AQ reporting this game), but ran out of time to return, so at the end I tried a DQ mission but wasn't lucky enough to cut through on one turn. However, Andrew had also tried another mission, and hit LOP for -10. Final score 20 (from Organ Theft) to -10 (from LOP). Negative bonus points count for determining a winner, so that's a MW for me.

Closing Thoughts
Fun to try out the new cards and features, and also to try to counterprogram and gum them up. Neither of my decks was as well built and practiced as I try to be, but it's always fun to play.