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Nathan W (Naetor)
Tournament Report - 2E - Risa Regional
2014-06-22 - 12:00 PM
DS9NEW from La Hoya: This is gonna be HUGE in Europe

Round 1KlingonCarlos MayaFW (+100)
Carlos' strategy took some time to set up. Holding Celling all three of his Kahmis' helped :) After it was clear he was playing battle, Sisko and the FU Defiant kept me out of harms way. He played dilemmas well, but without the draw deck support I was able to overwhelm him. FW: 100-0.

Round 2KlingonChris DonatiFW (+60)
Chris was also playing red, but more of a traditional solver. I got moving slow as Enrique was no where to be found. I had a couple bonehead plays: not killing the right guy that him solve after a Bridge Officer's and overcosting a Rogue Borg after forgetting about the +1 cost of Insurrection (seriously, F that dumb card). Despite gifting him two missions, I never fell completely behind. I was able to land Holding Cell twice, nabbing Gowron and Chang. This ended up being his Achilles heel as he began running low on Security going into Brute Force. But we never got to see if he'd draw into his remaining ones as he picked Primin once with Miner Revolt and again with Moral Choice and I was able to power through my planet for the win. FW: 100-60.

Round 3KlingonbosskamiuraFW (+70)
Third red deck in a row. His schtick was a Tragic pile with 2 battle cards thrown in. So I guess it was somewhere between Chris and Carlos' deck. I got out to a good start and never let up on the missions. Attempting with minimum crews and getting some Medical Teams saves left me with many personnel throughout the game. Meanwhile Sisko on the FU Defiant continued to keep me protected. Meanwhile my dilemma play was excellent and he was well behind. I made a near critical mistake as I did not declare "score 5" after finishing Torga as my second mission. Thus TK had a small point (story of his life) that I only had 95 points after completing my third mission. Then to disgrace him, next turn I solved Provoke Interstellar Incident (>34 Strength) with Melora (2), Quark (4), Hoya (4), Minuet (4), Li Nalas (5), and Bashir (6). FW: 120-30.

Round 4CardassianMatt KirkFW (+100)
Matt was playing Cardassian capture with a shot at the title with a win and TK loss to Chris. It turned out not to be the case as I punked him sending Quark on my first mission attempt (leaving Primin and Worf back at DS9) and smashed through an Occupational Hazards with Security Drills overcosting Polywater and claiming early first attempt, first blood. Next turn, I smashed through my next mission when I ditched my hand to his Shared Hallucination and walked through the rest of his dilemmas. On his subsequent turn, my Gomtuu easily hit his six personnel attempt and he scooped. FW: 100-Rage Quit.

Closing Thoughts
I had a good deck with matchups I had answers for. Intimidation and Discommendation were my MVPs, each giving me full stops with 1 under in my first three games. DS9 is a great meta deck between Holding Cell, FU Defiant, and Med Teams. Insurrection generally isn't a problem with the Centaur. You can probably make the deck "cuter" with bonus points for Melora and adding Krim. But I like the slim down version as it seemed pretty consistent (see deck notes for additional cuts/adds). Your first few attempts can be rough as against a typical attrition pile you might run into some dilemmas you don't have answers for: Duty, Moral, InDev. But after that, you have lots of answers to other common dilemmas: Rogue Borg, Gomtuu, and ACE piles hit even less hard since you go double space. It's a good deck that gives you lots of chances to win and no matchup that I can think of which is insurmountable.