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Paddy Tye (KazonPADD)
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event
2024-06-24 - 12:00 AM
VulcanFederationSmooth As A Vulcans Hairline
I had an interesting idea for a non-Vidiian deck using Kolinahr Vulcans, Fal-Tor-Pan and Smooth as Android's Bottom - by not drawing extra cards it would starve the Vidiian player of resources. Not wanting to fall foul of the same issue for my reverse deck, I decided to go old school with a Vidiian/Equinox blend.

Round 1Imperial StarfleetAndrew DorneyFW (+100)
I played Vulcan. Andrew was trying out the new tech, but I took out his Organ Bank early on with a fleet of D'Kyr's. He ran into trouble with my planet combos - an opening dilemma of Medical Crisis kept killing off his MEDICAL personnel, and as I wasn’t drawing any extra cards, he had nothing to syphon, so swiftly ran out of replenishments, allowing me to pick up the win.

Round 2VidiianMathew McCalpinFL (-60)
I played Vidiian. Mathew played TNG Borg, which I hadn’t prepped for at all. My space combos were particularly vulnerable as they have a drone (6 of 14) with Transporter Skill as a first-listed skill, so Ghost of Cyrus Ramsey was not an obstacle.

Round 3VictoryIsLifeFW (+100)
Vulcan again. My Smooth/Fal-Tor-Pan shenanigans kept up denying resources to the Vidiians, although a bad draw slowed my start. But while the Alpha Quadrant invasion was slowed, a lack of Navigation (I’d always drawn a Sedis earlier in testing) slowed down my ability to solve missions.

Round 4VidiianJoseph WisniewskiFW (+35)View opponent's Report
Vidiian again! Closer match this time. Joe’s Holograms weren’t getting killed but I managed to squeeze through and complete a second mission and had left a solving crew behind at Dead End to pick up a third on same turn.

Closing Thoughts
The Vulcan / Smooth deck worked quite well. Needs some refining, but still gets enough cards in hand without drawing to be immune to Vidiians.