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Kris Sonsteby (LORE)
Tournament Report - 2E
2017-11-11 - 10:30 AM
DS9-EarthYou, Me, and Chavez... Pals Forever
Looking for a play hit for DS9-E, I headed to Fantasy Flight Games for Act I of our league tournament day to ensure sanctioning for 2E. Once DVK made his special guest appearance, I taught him how to run TAIN in round 1 before dropping to avoid byes the rest of the afternoon.

Round 1CardassianDan Van KampenFW (+70)
Lethal Weapon was co-chairing Cardassians, but was comparatively slow out of the gate as I was attempting Practice Oribital Maneuvers on turn 2. Tagging him with Hard Time and a bevy of kill dilemmas kept him in check for much of the match, and in fairly short order Gideon & Co. blitzed through Avert Danger to secure the shutout. FW 100-0.

Round 2Missed GameMG (0)

Round 3Missed GameMG (0)