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Kris Sonsteby (LORE)
Tournament Report - Tr Tribbles
2012-03-10 - 02:15 PM
You're a Real Hooker... I'm Gonna Slap You in Public
The second tournament of the playoffs was an 8 player Tribbles affair in which I was just shy of a million in the preliminary round. So close yet so far!

Round 1 ()
Toxin infused mega round in which Nat decked, I scored 250k, and Steve went out for his usual huge total.

Round 2 ()
Another super long round in which Nat decked again and I went out for 300k on top of 200k or so from poisoning Steve.

Round 3 ()
Relatively short round in which Ben went out for a couple 100k and I continued the Toxin / Poison train on Steve.

Round 4 ()
One final long round in which I was decked right after splitting a Tally with Steve leaving me just short of 1,000,000.

Round 5 ()
Time expired before we could play this round, leaving me in second place.