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Kris Sonsteby (LORE)
Tournament Report - Tr Tribbles
2012-03-11 - 05:00 PM
...I'm in a Glass Case of Emotion!
After a speedy final tournament, the Northern Lights league went into overtime for one more round of Tribbles on the weekend.

Round 1 ()
Fairly quick round in which Steve went out for around 200k and I hit a Bonus.

Round 2 ()
Moderately paced round in which Matt went out for about 150k and I was 1 card short of a Bonus.

Round 3 ()
Ridiculously long round in which I played 1 Poison on the day on Steve and he luckily hit a 1/49 Antidote to go out for an insanely high total.

Round 4 ()
I went out for a paltry 20k, but had a Bonus locked so it was worth it to take the points.

Round 5 ()
I went out again for a micro total, without a Bonus but just in time before the store closed.