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Kris Sonsteby (LORE)
Tournament Report - Tr
2012-04-26 - 07:00 PM
It's the Pleats... the Pleats in the Pants
The final Tribbles Warmup added Jeremy and Galen, meaning we had our first and only 7 player pod.

Round 1 ()
Rediculously long round in which Nat got decked again, I picked up 200k in Toxin points, and Goon went out for over a million... in the first round!

Round 2 ()
Nat went out for 100k, and in the process recycled himself to stay in the game.

Round 3 ()
Galen and Jer hit a Bonus, while Nat went out again for another 130k.

Round 4 ()
Mike continued to chip away with Poison, eventually going out on the last card in his deck or hand!

Round 5 ()
Nat went out for only 12k just to end it, and after a couple big Toxin hits I ended in 3rd place.