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Kris Sonsteby (LORE)
Tournament Report - Tr
2012-05-11 - 08:00 PM
Smells Like a Turd Covered in Burnt Hair...
Ran my speed deck again in round two, where we added Keith to the mix.

Round 1 ()
Keith forgot to put in 1's, and with tons of 100k's he was the easy target for all of Katie's poisons.

Round 2 ()
Mike went out for a small total and I scored off a Tally or two.

Round 3 ()
Kyle scored off a couple Tally's and Katie continued her Poison onslaught against Keith.

Round 4 ()
I was nearly decked after being battled extensively by Keith, so I was just happy this round ended with me only having one card in hand.

Round 5 ()
Katie went out to ensure she was the far and away victor.