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Kris Sonsteby (LORE)
Tournament Report - 2E
2015-01-24 - 10:00 AM
TOSHey Bartender... Jobu Needs a Refill
The T2E Tough Enough League rolled on with Royal Rumble, another three tournament free for all at FFG's corporate headquarters in Roseville. Without much time to prepare, I simply tweaked Motion Picture Medics to qualify for the Kirk-less achievement and went to war with my Worlds design once more.

Round 1ByeBY (0)
The BYE was spent chatting up Fantasy Flight Games' website writer / former T2E Legend The Guru, playing a solitaire game of Set, and exchanging belated Christmas gifts with The Original Champion and The Chosen One.

Round 2VoyagerNat KirtonFL (-65)
The Beast from the East was packing Voyager, and had me on the ropes from the onset following an opening turn double shot of Chakotay and a ship. Despite losing both copies of The Clown: Guillotine at Inversion Mystery, Telepathic Deception kept me in it until he cracked the code courtesy of Marie Kaplan. FL 100-35.

Round 3TNGbandana8472FW (+65)View opponent's Report
The Original Champion was engineering TNG, but struggled for draws as These Are the Voyages was nowhere to be found. Once Aid Legendary Civilization sent Data and Lwaxana Troi to detention, it was only a matter of time before I wrapped up the victory against my brother from another mother. FW 100-35.

Closing Thoughts
Initially worried that I had brought a bazooka to this gun fight of a local gig, I quickly realized that roughly half the field had as well. In hindsight, I should have expected nothing less from the folks who make up the Frozen Chosen, as in The Land of 10,000 Champions there is no such thing as an off-season.