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Kris Sonsteby (LORE)
Tournament Report - 1E - Trek Masters
2015-06-07 - 12:00 PM
RomulanA Little Hope is Effective... A Lot of Hope is Dangerous
Trek Masters Act III took center stage on a rainy afternoon in suburban Chicago, and I played as if my head were stuck in the clouds. Armed with the TNG Romulan build that has become my calling card, I hit a banana peel against the Borg and summarily landed in second place for the second straight day.

Round 1ByeBY (0)
The BYE was spent treating fellow TBG life members The Razor and The Beast From the East to lunch, strolling through the local farmers market, and trying to mentally prepare myself for what was the last leg of a grueling weekend of nerding.

Round 2FederationRobert PetersenFW (+65)
The Prodigy was testing TOS, but was forced to hide behind the shields of Starbase 247 for much of the match as the Terix and Deranas had a significant edge in firepower. With him sufficiently penned in, I stuck to mission solving and eventually cleared a Spatial Rift at Amnesty Talks to lock up the victory. FW 100-35.

Round 3BorgJeremy HuthFL (-46)View opponent's Report
Hardcore was again piloting Borg, and triggered Stop First Contact in the past despite being attacked at Earth over the prior three turns. Wasting resources fighting his walking science fair projects would ultimately be my downfall, as without those personnel I was unable to side step an Alien Parasites at a critical moment. FL 100-54.

Round 4MaquisMatthew HayesFW (+65)
The Animal was attempting Maquis, and dialed in hand guns at will to make personnel battles at Break Prisoner far more challenging. While he eventually cleared a Friendly Fire combo at Supply Terrorists, his dilemmas proved rather toothless as Lore & Co. wrapped up another quick count win. FW 100-35.

Closing Thoughts
While disheartened I did not come home a champion, I have no one to blame but myself as unfamiliarity playing against the Borg put me at a huge disadvantage against a fellow brother in arms. However, the weekend as a whole was still personally successful, as I was once again in the title hunt for both editions.