Jon Carter (pfti) |
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event (Mission to Talos IV) |
2023-09-01 - 12:00 AM |
Nelix Saves the Day |
Introduction |
I get some good cards (none of the murder dilemmas) but no real free plays. I know this means I am behind for all pairings that get Vids Free play.
Main downside, I have to draw neelix to solve my main planet mission |
Round 1 |  | Kris Sonsteby | FL (-60) |
Like a fool I only have 2 ladies in the deck, so a flash plasma storm leaves me recycling and digging. So I go to space, I am short engineers to move the scow.
In that time Kris is able to use chuckles to get around twisteds (although the threat of villageers does buy me a turn.
Round 2 | | Chris Lund | FW (+70) |
I draw teh right people for his dilemmas. I foolishly supercrew (a kazon bomb would have wrecked me, but it works out. Then in space I narrowly avoid losing my ship.
The twistedes at both of his missions do the work I need |
Round 3 |   | Matthew Pennaz | FW (+55) |
I kill ransom with a lucky pull for spatial rift, this proves clutch as it makes my twisteds very hard for him to pass. He pivots to harassing me as I grind through missions.
my 3 intrepeds are able to get through and he misses pulling a double talaxian either time i have to pass spatial rift (instead seksa saves a friend each time). This lets me get through
Round 4 | | Edwin Latrell | FW (+65) |
I got lucky with spatial rift again. I get a key enginere and i killed a leader. I also dropped a leader with the phage. This means that when is stuck at the planet and wants to come shoot me, he is unable to. This lets me grind thorugh dilemmas as I drew the right skills to beat what he put out.
I draw Nelix on the last turn to solve hte planet for hte win (all though I was rabbit chasing and would have been able to beat the combos there |