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Jon Carter (pfti)
Tournament Report - 2E - Cardassia Regional
2023-06-25 - 12:00 PM
So I never got around to printing new decks, so I had TNG battleship, assimilation borg and this built. I had lent battleship to a new player who dropped morning of because he was sick, sO I was in the mind of dominion. It turns out infiltrators was also Greg and Will's other deck choices, so it could have been a real slog of a day.

Round 1Queen IsabellaFW (+65)
Simon gets their first mission against me when intimidation only gets 2 (one more would have been enough). After that, attribute denial is able to keep them at bay while I go out and solve them.

Round 2BajoranMichael SheaFW (+65)
The high attributes of jemmies keep the guilliteens from killing too many. This plus no TCS means I am able to run through missions while infiltration (plus michael not drawing key skills) helps me stay ahead.

Round 3RomulanWill RaimanFW (+35)
Will gets rid of my psuedopods, but Kira on his fast ship does slow him down as he has to move around in a slow ship. I then just grind through a lot of his dilemmas. all three Whisperers hit and that was enough to keep me ahead in this mess of a game