Andreas Limmer (Nava) |
Tournament Report - 1E - Vandros IV Regional |
2014-05-17 - 10:45 AM |
 Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me - for meeeeee |
Introduction |
After a year of absence I managed to play a tournament again - and since I had no clue I threw together a hybrid deck to stall and to solve - but beware that deck was shite since it was to slow a solver and not annoying enough for a staller. |
Round 1 |   | Johannes Klarhauser | ML (-25)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
Johannes played a TOS/HQ/BRC deck - and managed to kill my treaty on turn 2 - and I didn't get it back for the rest of the game, damn Admiral Cartwright. His deck was solid and I was stalled at a few missions - especially since I blatantly miscalculated one of his dilemma combos and V'Ger took out the whole of my Enterprise E. Since the Kobyashis, Thine Own Selfs ea. payed off he was not able to score enough himself, so modified win for him. |
An early Cartwright to blow up his Fed/Bajoran treaty gave me a good start. I made good progress through his Dyson Sphere-enhanced combos and cleared two missions, but Andreas stalled me a bit with Transporter Phobias. V'Ger destroyed his Enterprise-E, Andreas still managed to do two missions, though. When time was called, I had Earth cleared for the win, but another Phobia kept me from beaming down enough attributes for the FW.
What happened to the whales? - They got hit by Thine Own Self before they could be saved. |
Round 2 |  | Markus Eberlein | FW (+65)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
Markus had a pure Hirogen DQ deck without a AQ mission but his deck was actually not fast enough to outpace me, I was able to keep up his speed and to finally grab a few missions for a FW. |
Ent-E + Baku + Sona + Bajoran Resistance.
Kavok got the Enterprise-E at Insurrection but then didn't pay attention with Collect Metaphasic Particles text.
Round 3 |  | Peter Ludwig | ML (-25) |
Peter played a TNG Fed deck and Devilled my Treaty on turn 2 again no chance to get it back. The Kobayashis stalled him enough to give me a chance but he managed to score on the last turn for a MW. |
Closing Thoughts |
I also played against Stefan (Hirogen) who also managed to get a MW (80 to 30ish), so the deck is perhaps not too bad but would need a few days and games in the test area before playing it again... |