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Steve Nelson (Boratus)
Tournament Report - 2E - Online Event
2024-02-12 - 12:00 AM
DominionKlingonNon-AlignedFebruary ID Draft
During the draft I get low integrity/strength missions. I then concentrate drafting high integrity and/or strength personnel. I end up with Klingon, a few Dominion peeps and a LOT of Non-Aligned.

Round 1StarfleetRemo GFL (-70)
The majority of peeps Remo gets in play are Starfleet with each having at least 5 skills per peep. This makes most of my skill dilemmas barely miss. As Remo tried to complete his 2nd mission, I play Kelvan Show of Force followed by Infinite Diversity. I kill what i thought was his only transporters, then call transporters but failed to notice Grebnelog gains it. Transporters was not printed in BOLD. FL 0-70

Round 2DominionKlingonMaggie GeppertFW (+70)
Both Maggie and I drafted Klingon and Dominion. This helped me figure out where those peeps were in the draft. This game goes really fast. The main thing helping me was bad luck for Maggie on dilemmas. During my second attempt at my 1st mission (space), Maggie draws three planet and a useless dual. This gives me an auto-pass. My last mission, Maggie misplays giving me a space dilemma at the end of a planet. FW 70-0

Round 3DominionFerengiKris SonstebyFW (+35)
Another Dominion HQ, Another player taking more Dominion peeps during the draft. Although I go 1st, I have to download a ship giving Kris more time for him to attempt his missions 1st. Luckily I stop him twice while I complete my mission with 1 attempt. I barely pass his Arms Roulette by 1 cunning and Occupational Hazards kills only 1 peep giving me the mission. I almost lose the game when I accidentally give Kris 2 space dilemmas during a planet attempt. Luckily I manage to stop his key skills. I later attempt my space mission again facing 4 dilemmas and squeak by them all giving me the win. Had I failed, Kris would've attempted with 4 peeps facing 1 draw. It would've failed giving him the win instead. FW 70-35

Closing Thoughts
Some major luck helped me win my last 2 games. Some big misplays also affected all my games too.