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Mr Slade (Frool)
Tournament Report - 2E - Omarion Nebula Regional
2015-04-19 - 01:00 PM
RelativityRelativity 1.3
Thanks to Nick for hosting (there was free Lunch!). There was a fair bit of excitement (I think that's the right word to describe the mood) about the new set. I was going to play a Legacy pile but figured that would be too mentally taxing (remembering lot's of skills) so I went for an Unfair Comparison pile, making the appropriate changes to the deck (adding lots of events).

Round 1StarfleetDaniel GiddingsFW (+100)View opponent's Report
Danny always builds very creative decks and this was another one. He got 3 ships out quickly so it looked like a battle deck which was scary and I had to really careful attempting missions. It was a battle deck but for some reason, he never attacked my USS Relativity although I did have two damage dilemmas on it by the end including the one which doesn't allow me to attempt missions. I slowed Danny down by Inequitable Exchanging Damaged Archer to my Brig and by WNOHGB his ship. To the last point, I spent about 2 minutes deciding between Chula: The Chandra/WNOHGB or C:TC/Tsiolkovsky Infection when I had 6 events in play before going for C:TC/WNOHGB which was actually overcosted, Danny realised a couple of turns later that it was overcosted but I guess it was too late by then.

Round 2DominionNicholas YankovecFW (+100)
Nick surprise, surprise was playing Dominion. Nick was playing a straight Dominion solver with the new headquarters and anti-Dual dilemma missions. My Dilemma pile stood up to Nick's missions attempts. Without any disruption from Nick, I slowly solved my missions, he did Nerf one of my Temporal Transporters but I had another one in my hand to keep going.

Round 3DominionWilliam HoskinFW (+100)
Another Dominion deck for me to face. The 3rd of the day! Will was playing a Combat deck with the new headquarters. As I have ways to get people back from the discard pile I decided to go for it and attempt my missions (and get people stopped on planets). Will came over and killed lots of my people. He also destroyed all my Temporal Transporters which was very inconvenient. With Will spending some of his turns killing my people, he had less mission attempts himself and my excellent dilemma pile slowed him down enough. The moment of the game was when I attempted Investigate Massacre with 4 people (who could solve) and 3 dilemmas under. Will drew Insurrection (again very inconvenient).

Closing Thoughts
I saw a lot of Moral Choice and Secret Identity. Time to start playing another affiliation. Bring on Munich!