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Jason Tang (PantsOfTheTalShiar)
Tournament Report - 1E
2023-12-31 - 10:30 AM
KlingonSilver Tin Charity Draft Illegitimate Leader
See my deck notes for notes on the draft.

Round 1RomulanFederationKris SonstebyFL (-100)
We duplicated 2 missions, including one of Kris's 2 planets. I got careless and sent decent crew to face the last dilemma at my space mission, and lost them to Barclay's. I couldn't get much else going, and Kris encountered minimal resistance from my dilemmas.

Round 2FederationDan Van KampenFL (-100)View opponent's Report
I couldn't seem to get much going this game either. (Will add more later)

Round 3Missed GameMG (0)
Had to leave to prepare for NYE plans of sorts. Which I could have gotten another game in to redeem the deck I was really excited about.

Closing Thoughts
This was a fun format! Unfortunately I don't know how much more I will ever get to play it.