Jason Tang (PantsOfTheTalShiar) |
Tournament Report - 1E |
2023-12-31 - 10:30 AM |
Silver Tin Charity Draft Illegitimate Leader |
Introduction |
See my deck notes for notes on the draft. |
Round 1 |   | Kris Sonsteby | FL (-100) |
We duplicated 2 missions, including one of Kris's 2 planets. I got careless and sent decent crew to face the last dilemma at my space mission, and lost them to Barclay's. I couldn't get much else going, and Kris encountered minimal resistance from my dilemmas. |
Round 2 |  | Dan Van Kampen | FL (-100)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
I couldn't seem to get much going this game either. (Will add more later) |
Jason started off very quickly with his Romulan enhanced Klingons. This this the game where my gamble during the draft of trying to get virtual cards came in most handy: by drafting some dilemmas early, and then grabbing some virtual cards, I was able to build some-what robust* dilemmas to slow Jason down. A couple mis-seeds meant I was able to cruise through many of the dilemmas for some early points (I had grabbed a fair number of medical personnel and that saved my bacon here). Near the end I was able to use The Devil to stall Jason for a turn to steal the win (nuking the treaty put the needed Romulan under house-arrest ).
Was able to grab my Tox almost right away - but wasn't able to get the Supernova into my hand...
*robust for sealed Premiere anyway... |
Round 3 | | Missed Game | MG (0) |
Had to leave to prepare for NYE plans of sorts. Which I could have gotten another game in to redeem the deck I was really excited about. |
Closing Thoughts |
This was a fun format! Unfortunately I don't know how much more I will ever get to play it. |