Dan Van Kampen (Iron Prime) |
Tournament Report - 1E |
2023-12-31 - 10:30 AM |
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Tox |
Introduction |
The annual Andorian New Year's Charity Draft is always a blast, and this year was no exception. This year we had some sealed Premiere fun with a Tin Draft thrown in for good measure. To offset some of the, uh, "less useful" premiere cards, our host arranged for a random assortment of mystery virtual cards to behind such picks to spice things up. After a couple of key picks for dilemmas and personnel I decided to lean into the mystery virtual cards to see what I could get. This ended up being the right gamble as it shored up my dilemmas and even gave me a couple clutch personnel to short up my skills and keep the normal play vs free play numbers balanced.
By far the most humorous - to me anyway - was drafting a Tox Uthat but not the Supernova (Supernova was one of my WB rares that I was initially disappointed to pull during sealed, before remembering I could draft the needed Tox...). Having the Tox gone but the Supernova remain caused some puzzled conversation and drafting. I believe one player knew, or suspected, but kept quiet on the issue...
(Note it has a been a busy few days and I am returning a tad late to write this - my apologies for any errors in memory, please PM with corrections) |
Round 1 |   | Robert Petersen | MW (+30) |
Robert used his warbirds to good effect here. Luckily I had Escape Pod so I could be a tad brash. While I was being proud of rescuing my crew, Mr. Petersen decided to even the playing field with an Anti-Time Anomaly! We both started to rebuild but ended up being mutually stalled by dilemma walls and/or cleared missions that we no longer had the final skill to solve.
Had the Supernova, couldn't dig up the Tox... |
Round 2 |  | Jason Tang | FW (+100)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
Jason started off very quickly with his Romulan enhanced Klingons. This this the game where my gamble during the draft of trying to get virtual cards came in most handy: by drafting some dilemmas early, and then grabbing some virtual cards, I was able to build some-what robust* dilemmas to slow Jason down. A couple mis-seeds meant I was able to cruise through many of the dilemmas for some early points (I had grabbed a fair number of medical personnel and that saved my bacon here). Near the end I was able to use The Devil to stall Jason for a turn to steal the win (nuking the treaty put the needed Romulan under house-arrest ).
Was able to grab my Tox almost right away - but wasn't able to get the Supernova into my hand...
*robust for sealed Premiere anyway... |
I couldn't seem to get much going this game either. (Will add more later) |
Round 3 |  | James Heaney | FW (+15) |
A previous engagement meant time was of the essence and James and I jumped into Round 3! Playing quickly we managed to squeeze in a complete game just James had to be going.
There was some general back-and forth, with the threat of Romulan warbirds again looming over me. At the end James was stalled at a cleared mission where he had no archaeology. He had 85 points if I recall correctly, and I had 100 points but no space mission yet. So the race was on, could I clear a space mission before James could find some archaeology? Except, as James realized a turn too late, the race was not James' archaeology against me completing a space mission - it was James' finding archaeology against me using a normal card play to to blow up this cleared mission with my WB Supernova! A mission that happened to also have his outpost and a very fully Romulan warbird. Time was ticking away, and with no meaningful options for James to rebuild, my completing a space mission was just a formality after nuking his mission. James conceded so he could be out the door on time.
At last I had the Tox Uthat AND the Supernova. Childhood goal fulfilled. |
Closing Thoughts |
If you are in a limited environment, and have a chance at good dilemmas and/or virtual cards, be sure to go for it. I had a couple of Shades of Gray dilemmas from my starter and packs, and once I got Shades of Gray: Despair I made sure to go back to round up Junior and Nitrium Metal Parasites during my next turn in the draft.
Super fun day - the Annual Charity Draft never disappoints. I hope to see everyone again next year! |