jason bales (jbales1974) |
Tournament Report - 2E - Qo'noS Regional |
2015-05-09 - 02:00 PM |
Dominion II |
Introduction |
Round 1 |   | John Paul Veasey | MW (+65) |
He made great use of Enrique!! Was impressed with this deck although I managed to keep him from completing Wolf 359 for several turns while I plugged away at a couple of mine. Veesy did manage to finally Holding Cell my Remata'Klan and his too just to keep me from avoiding any more of them pesky Chula dilemmas. |
Round 2 |  | Joshua Sprung | FL (-100)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
Made a stupid mistake in trying to start a fight before I was completely ready, costing me the game. Just couldn't quite get that second ship out |
Jason had a very cool Jem'Hadar combat deck, with some really nice event support. Unfortunately he made a very fatal mistake early in the game and brought the fight to me just one turn too early. He started a battle with 54 strength thanks to a weapon, but too bad for him I was playing Klingons and had 64 strength. While his battle only cost him a couple discarded cards, he did spend his turn slow-pitching them to me so I can All-Out War him on my own mission and kill three of his crew, which happened to be enough to de-staff his ship, leaving him stranded on my mission. This sent him back to square one, and I was already truckin' on missions, netting me a full win. This is the first time I have seen Crippling Strike, and that card really impressed me! I am so glad I got the chance to play against Jason! |
Round 3 | | Bye | BY (0) |
Played clash of clans and atomic bomber
Round 4 |  | Ross Fertel | FL (-70)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
Managed to stop Ross a couple turns at one mission with Intimidation. I couldn't quite get a ship out in time. |
Our decks both did what they were supposed to do. This was a bloodbath thanks to Jason's event support. Those really put a cramp on things and I was ready to Lustful Distraction oen of them away, but used it to avoid a crippling strike. Very tough game against a worhty opponant. I wasted two mission attempts to face Intimidation, but eventually pulled out the win. |
Closing Thoughts |
Having all Jem'Hadar personnel,sadly Friction only popped up in one of my games. Remata'Klan was great in avoiding those pesky Chula dilemmas. Mobilization Points is great as is Spiteful Strategy. Played Crippling Strike couple of times causing my opponent to choose to discard from their hand. Great card!! I enjoyed playing this deck although I may have to cut a few cards to make it a bit more speedy. |