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Johannes Mette (Johannes Mette)
Tournament Report - 2E
2021-10-23 - 01:00 PM
DominionEigentlich war er auf der Suche nach Wasser...
What could be better than a Star Trek long-distance trip with 5452334 highway construction sites? That's right, visiting your own grandma. But not today, today there is beer and and for the first time in months again Trek in combination. Why Dominion? Everyone talks about it but I never played it in a competitive situation. So Dominion and to pay tribute to Jared Hoffman at the same time I copied his deck!

Round 1DominionBenjamin LiebichFW (+50)
After a journey over many nice long construction sites and the first drop of hop juice, I have the freshly copied deck in my hand for the first time after mixing. Round after round, the uncertainty has settled paired with some luck. FW in the mirror match.

Round 2KlingonJohannes KlarhauserFL (-70)View opponent's Report
Next round, more drinks in mind still at the construction sites I forgot why we traveled! To overthrow the emperor from the throne, unfortunately, he can not be pushed if you feed him with cards.Buuhhuuurn FL - still always nice to watch a master of his craft playing.

Round 3TOSPeter LudwigFW (+100)
By many lucky circumstances I managed to win the game to nil and continue dreaming of excavators and barrier pylons. As long as both players still had fun, you shouldn't be ashamed of so much luck.

Closing Thoughts
Thank you for so much fun and hospitality. A 1E draft after dinner and a few rounds of darts to finish. Did I mention the construction sites and the traffic jam on the way back?