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Michael Van Breemen (The Ninja Scot)
Tournament Report - 1E - The Neutral Zone Regional
2022-04-18 - 12:00 AM
VidiianWarp Speed Regional
Of the rares that I could use - Danara Pel and Aggressive Behavior. I would've loved a Vidiian Outpost so that I could download the Sodality instead, freeing up a card spot but that's not what made this Warp Speed so weird. I got 3 Sorum's and a Lower Decks plus an Engineering Tricorder. It not only gave me Engineers (only had two real Engineers without it) to pass Spatial Rift but with the extra Security in the deck (3 Sorums, Sethis, Ayala), meant passing Kazon Bomb wasn't a crap shoot. That's never happened to me before.

Round 1KazonKris SonstebyFW (+35)
He makes it past his planet, gets stopped in space by Aggressive Behavior. I get stopped at my planet due to Hanonian Land Eel due to Common Thief taking my Harvester and me leaving Stadi on the ship. Eventually, I get my second ship, ferry Drang and party over and solve for the win before he gets Anthropology.

Round 2KazonJoseph WisniewskiFW (+35)View opponent's Report
I only won because I went first. He has AMS, loses people to Spatial Rift, then plays two people who pass it only to fail Kazon Bomb but no one dies because they all have printed strength of 7 or more. He solves his planet and makes it to Scow after passing Aggressive Behavior with Cavit and friends, not to lose anyone to Spatial Rift and straight up passing Kazon Bomb. Meanwhile, I'm waiting for an Engineer or the Tricorder to solve my space mission but I managed to get through both missions in the same turn for the win. Thankfully, he didn't draw into his Distortion.

Round 3FederationPaddy TyeFW (+65)
I had Lower Decks in my opening hand but no Sorums which was weird. I also had the Harvester in my opening hand but no Telari. Still, I'm playing three people a turn, just waiting for Engineers to do space. Tricorder, a Sorum for the Lower Decks and Telari show up on the fourth turn so I go for it and solve Space thanks to Paxim, Danara Pel and Telari, fly to planet and get stopped by Matriarchal Society and both other women in my hand. Meanwhile, Paddy makes it past Aggressive Behavior (not before losing the Pendari Champion to it earlier), thanks to his Chakotay but lacking the Engineers for Spatial Rift and two women for my own Matriarchal Society before the win.