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Michael Van Breemen (The Ninja Scot)
Tournament Report - 2E - Trek Masters Side Event
2023-02-26 - 09:00 AM
DominionCardassia Without Cardassians
The Cardassia tournament. I almost made a triple-HQ deck for this format but decided on going with Dominion Cardassia. I put in the Emanations to prevent Central Commands from getting back readily from the discard pile. I wasn't sure what I was going to get.

Round 1ByeBY (0)

Round 2mike gillespieFW (+100)
Mike was playing Kraxon forced-discard so I managed to get Founder Leader and discarded Luaran to blow up his Kotra. First mission attempt and it's a Causal Recursion. Four missions now. I did my best to stall the Kraxon with Crippling Strike but two attacks later and I have no more deck. Thankfully, I managed to get some Astrometrics (he got rid of 5 of my 7 Astrometrics) so I was able to complete each mission. He did have great Odo selecting powers so he earned 10 points.

Round 3DominionNathan MiracleFW (+100)
Nathan was playing Dominion Acquisition Commodities with an Acquisition-focused dilemma pile and Legacy. One Crom download of Inglatu was the turning point as any commodity that he could give me, I could then turn around and use Inglatu to gain any skill I needed for the dilemmas. One of the more odd ways of winning a game but made my final game of the weekend as a lot more relaxed.

Closing Thoughts
I had a great time but probably still would have even if I hadn't won every tournament of the weekend because of how much fun everyone seemed to have. Also, so many song/movie/tv reference jokes (or attempts at jokes) made the travel worth it. Now, just seeing how many of the 28 bottles of water I'll finish before getting to the airport tomorrow.