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Michael Van Breemen (The Ninja Scot)
Tournament Report - 2E Standard - Deep Space 9 Regional
2012-06-02 - 12:00 PM
KlingonStarfleetStarfleet/Klingon No-Win
I decided to shake things up and go with a No-Win Situation deck with Tucker to protect and a Kmtar/At What Cost-fueled download to get two to three No-Win's in play. Combined with AU Starfleet and cronies with never having a hand for the mission solving. I would use either Sight to get five points, Archer or solving Space first (which was the most common) I never went first the entire tournament and despite that, I could've won every game... if I didn't make stupid mistakes. I need to play better.

Round 1TOSMatthew HayesFL (-35)
I have the almost best opening hand - three Starfleet personnel, At What Cost and A Sight For Sore Eyes and K'mtar. I play my three starfleet people and a sight for sore eyes. He plays Enterprise-B and two equipment, then proceeds to blow up my Sight for Sore Eyes with Grav (if I had the ultimate opening hand, I would've had Lustful Distraction.) Next turn, I draw some and play another Sight. His turn, he blows it up with Tacking into the Wind. I still can't get Sight for Sore Eyes in play so I end up getting K'mtar in play eventually with one No-Win and one Surprise Party. I eventually get another one in play and, even though he got through in space with 50 points (Mission Accomplished + Ent-B), I am able to come back - 30 points at Navigate Minefield and just about to solve Aid Legendary Civilization along with getting Archer back for the extra five points for my last mission thanks to Secret Identity. Stupid mistake #1 is during his attempt at Avert Danger, giving him 3 dilemmas after he attempts with 11 with 3 under - Picking Up the Pieces/Pitching In/Greater Needs. I forget about his Tricorder and his loads of Science people which stops enough people by itself but more than enough for Pitching In to cost 4 instead of 1, making Greater Needs overcosted. If I had remembered and thought about it, I would've just given him 2 and had one go under. Stupid mistake #2 is solving Aid Legendary Civilization and putting people under the deck which I shouldn't have done. Final stupid mistake is attempting with K'mtar because of all the people that were lost. He plays Secret identity, taking him out and, more importantly, taking out my Future person to prevent Hayes from micro-teaming the solve for the next turn. In seeing the next dilemmas, he wouldn't have been able to solve that turn, thus giving me at least a modified win (65-50) but instead resulted in a loss 100-65.

Round 2CardassianJeremy BenedictFW (+65)
This went much better - I got to keep Sight for Sore Eyes in play and used it twice, getting in some No-Win's the turn after he attempted but enough to stop him. I ended up getting space solved first thanks to a misplay on his part - He played just Inequitable Exchange to swap out my Evek-captured Maxwell Forrest for my Archer but forgot about the bonus 10 points for space from Earth. With 40 points and an eventual destruction of Sight for Sore Eyes with D'Vela left me with enough points to not be so concerned. I ended up grinding through my missions, using D'vela to get around an Uninvited Guest to net Entek's Intelligence. Best move - Stopping an entire attempt at Eliminate Harvesters with Blended and having Heightened Perception so as not having given him more. Won 100-35

Round 3StarfleetEric BiecheFL (-35)
We played destroy the other's Sight For Sore Eyes - His Grav's and Lustful Distraction and Tacking with my Lustful Distraction and Tacking. My dilemma pile is all skills solely because of Damaged Archer but I knew that Future Enterprise/Lorian was the real enemy. He solves space first before I can (I didn't have K'mtar-downloaded No-Win's until the turn after as I couldn't get him drawn. As soon as my turn came around, K'mtar and two No-Win's came into play to help turn it around. I solved Navigate Minefield with Archer for 35 and headed to my 30 point planet to grind through that, knowing that my dilemmas were giving him fits. I get rid of one Future Enterprise (Lorian was already out) with Watch Your Step but another came out. So far, I'm able to stall him and not trigger Lorian but eventually, he makes it through the planet as I didn't have Hinderance (he blew it up as I still had a card in hand when it made it to play.) He's got bodies a plenty and heads to Investigate Refinery, attempting to double-team it. The first team I didn't get a drawn Greater Needs (I hit him with that dilemma multiple times) but I hit him with Healing Hand + Honorable Pursuit + Mugato for a total stop and none under. He attempts with six and this is where my mistake came in - I played Healing Hand as I figured that either D'Vela or Phlox was present and then Greater Needs. Healing Hand and No-Win stopped three but Lorian wasn't one. Greater Needs hits but because the Future Enterprise is present and Lorian wasn't stopped before, he unstopped everyone and Greater Needs only prevents future attempts, not the attempt that he was on. We played it out and I would've solved my last mission on that turn as I would've D'vela'd around it for the win. Lost 100-65

Round 4TNGNon-AlignedBen JohnsonFW (+100)
He had the worst draw imaginable and me blowing up Energize twice didn't help matters. I had solved all three of my missions before he could attempt a second time. 100-0