Peter van der Helm (Helmp) |
Tournament Report - 2E Standard - New Bajor Regional |
2011-05-07 - 12:30 AM |
Cardassian try to Assess Contamination |
Introduction |
after playing a Cardassian deck that was similar to Neil Timmons Cardassian deck I decided to go a differant route this time. Going the unstopping route with Crell Moset/Dukat, Prefect of Bajor and Elim Garak. The idea is to complete two missions (Assess Contamination and Acquire Illict Explosives) and a lot of bonus points for the win. The alternative route is to complete the third mission (SNW) |
Round 1 | | Tyler Fultz | FL (-25)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
First round against Tylers Klingon download deck.. The only defence I could come up with during the start-up phase of the game was to try to stop his speed start up with Silaran Prin, get out the Prakesh for some defensive shield bonus and try to counter his battle stuff with Mila/Entek. Of course none of these worked. The main pain of the game was me not drawing a ship. When I did it was a regular Galor and I decided to go with it anyway. Suprisingly I managed to get tru my missions more easily than I expected, so I got some hope. Tyler decided to battle for more points than I could hope for and came out with a Bah! and Call to Arms and a Chance for Glory + Call to Arms for 40 points. Two missions were enough for him. After I drew crap at hit first (space) mission he completed his planet after a couple attempts for the win. 65-110 |
Peter is a very good player and he had recently cut his deck's teeth in Aarhus at the Danish regional. Luckily for me in this game, Peter didn't draw a ship until nearly halfway through, after I had already completed my first mission. When he did get going though, my dilemmas did not serve me well and he went fairly quickly through his first two missions. The game ended with me killing 5/8 personnel at Survey New World and me subsequently scoring my last mission for the win. |
Round 2 | | Bye | BY (0) |
Round 3 | | Enrico Evink | FL (-70)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
Enrico managed to hit the jackpot with his Rescue Captives in his opening hand. Me not getting the cards to get rid of his A Sight for Sore Eyes made him jump start. At his first mission I played a Warp Bubble Mishap and Tsiokovsky, mistracking his programming.. so he solved Elliminate Sphere Network in one attempt. With no captives.. (He got them back for free with Rescue Captives.) and a give away free mission it was hard for me catching back up. Which in the end didn't happen. At least my dilemma pile was Archer proof. He almost passed Captains Holiday with Antropology and Archeaology, good I checked. Note to brain Captains Holiday is great against Starfleet, it hit twice this game. 30-110 |
Playes a cardassian capture intelgence kind of deck. Had a rescue captives in my opening had which came in handy when he played Evek and captured my Karyan Archer and Lorian (which I thus got for free the enxt turn). Solcved elimiate sphere network on my first attampt thanks to going pas tcooland leak (did only play 3 engineers ast that point) and Tsiokovsky Infection (which did not pose a pronblem then). I Managed to stop his personel often enough to solve my two next missions while he was busy with his second mission FW 100 -30 |
Round 4 | | Auwerd Bijker | FW (+65) |
Auwerd decided to play his new Dominion build at the last moment. My brain froze at the start of the game. I downloaded Silarin Prin to name Odo Founder, which he just played turn one.. That made me realize I had to keep more focused the rest of the tourney. And I did. Auwerd had a nice combo set up with Clarity and Debate over diner that he played a couple of years ago in our friendly games, but he somehow improved it. He was stopping my personal without giving me any dilemma's under the mission. Crell and dukat managed to unstop some and The Central Command helped out too. Auwerd used his Our Death is Glory to the Founders twice in one turn to cancel my two Prison Compounds.. Thanks to Labor Camp I was stuck at 95 points and needed another Prison Compound. In the meantime I decided I should just go for the third mission too and actually solved SNW before getting a third Prison Compound. 100-35 |
Round 5 | | Thomas Schneider | FW (+100) |
After dropping some Ptols and high costers I was very much sure Thomas played a Warrines deck. I had some Walls and 1-cost stoppers in my dilemma pile but didn't think that would be enough. Me not calling for Dukat with Silaran Prin was another of my famous start of turn mistakes. The only thing I could think of was trying to play in a way that I wouldn't discard cards so he couldn't get them in out of play for Warriness. That means playing Goran for 2-cost, not playing Observer of the Obsidian Order or Dissidents or playing The Central Command. this worked long enough for me to get thru some missions. I almost blew it again when I attempted Acquire Illict Explosives with six and six dilemma's under, forgetting to bring Physics. In the end I maneged to complete Assess contamination and SNW in one turn for the win. I did cost me all my rescouses and tricks in the book; using Elim/Crell/Dukat to unstop personal and The Central Command. In the end we did a test run how Thomas would have done at his missions with Wariness working. We concluded he would have solved all his missions in one turn like he planned. My dilemma didn't include enough stopping power without relying on random selections. 100-0 |