Peter van der Helm (Helmp) |
Tournament Report - 2E Standard - Omarion Nebula Regional |
2011-04-23 - 10:30 AM |
Regional 'Criks Somersby' Cardassians |
Introduction |
Round 1 | | Jakob Madsen | MW (+55)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
Jakob played a Bajoran Ressistance deck. He started off quite nice with some nice personal but without Orta, because I named him with Silaran Prin. Couldn't find any Ensnareds to get his key personal but my Tragic Turn pile kept him buzy. He needed his ETU's and even had a Genetronic Treatment to prevent me from destaffing him. Jakob made a mistake to bring in Borum with Secret Identity to get back Sisko later, but could have gotten a missing mission skill instead. That proved to be fatal. In the end I was able to solve two missions and 5 points from Broca/Prison Compound for the modified win. close game. |
Wau, what at start! A rookie up against one of the best players in the world! In some way, think this was my best game of the day. Peter had problems finding a ship, and maybe that was the reason for me getting to atempt missons first. if every thing went right my deck cound make a two mision win, but i decided to go for "Rescue prisoners" as Evek had taken 3 captives. I soon discovered Peter played a TT pile, but i was ready for that with ETU, and "Surmak Ren" downloading "genetronic treatment", and later on "escape" (as i remember). However, A few rounds later with lots of dilemmeas under the mission, peter went "uninvited" after "secret identity", and i made an epic mistake. Peter picked benjamin sisko, and i choose Borum, a choice that left me without Leadership for the mision-skills, and as sisko was removed by dukat next round, i had to move on to the next mision while i was waiting for a leadership personal. My dilemmapile and some lucky random selections of Peters key personel kept me in the game for some time, but in the end that wasn't enough. |
Round 2 | | Jakob Brun | FW (+60) |
Another Jakob, another Bajoran deck... Love playing to players I never met or played before. This was no exception. Jakob Brun is a great guy! He played high cost Bajorans with Energize to bring them into play cheap. This worked out for him as a charm, and he got attempting missions fast. But then I murdered his whole crew with a TT combo and played Evek on my next turn to capture Bareil, Sisko and Kira.. Ouch.. Because of his small deck with a lot of duplicate unique personal he was locked out and pretty much let me solve my missions |
Round 3 | | William Hoskin | FW (+100)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
Will was playing a slow Klingon deck which used Transporter Accident to kill of my personal as I was attempting missions. He played out personal very slowly and I decided to run to my space mission before a Kruge or Ship hit the table. Evek captured Khaless first. After some casualties from TA I solved and went to my planet mission. Here my crew got stranded on the planet. Will played a Point Blank Strike which I forgot to Amanda and captured my empty ship. I got a ship next turn and flew over to my stranded crew and reattempted. Will fled to his headquarters to avoid Ensnared which was a wise thing I guess. But meanwhile I solved SNW for the win 100-0 |
I started off getting a sabotage transporter out and a couple of people and then my other event support failed me, Peter had two missions done before I was able to even leave my HQ to Kruge an empty ship with not enough people to attempt a mission still I went back to my HQ so that ensnare wouldn't hit. Peter managed to get another ship out and pick up the people left on the planet and reattempt winning the game 100-0 |
Round 4 | | Peter H. Møller | ML (-30)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
Ah Mr Møller himself.. I suspected some speeddeck and indeed he was running a fine tuned TNG deck. After killing his crew at his first planet mission Peter soon recovered and started solving with 4 guys.. This turned out to be a major problem for my dilemma pile. With just 2 Uninviteds in the deck I couldn't stop the double teaming he was doing with crews. Playing a Ensnared to get his Telepaty from the attempt and naming Daniel Kwan didn't help.. He wasn't in the attempt.. In the end the kills at the first mission probably gave me the time and prevent Peter from getting the full win. |
This game will be known as the battle of the hats, since I have recently begone wearing a hat to. I was thinking this was gonna end badly after hearing rumours of capturing. I was first out attempting my first mission and got hit really bad with Tragic Turn, killing lots of guys. To add insult to injury Peter used Evek to get Mot and McCoy as captives. I played on, getting more people in play and started to attempt missions with 4-5, I knew it would give his pile a hard time, and it did. Peter had slowed my deck down considerably with his capturing and killing, so in the end it was still neck to neck. Somehow I did end up with a modified win. Pheeeeeeew, that was rough :) |
Round 5 | | Johannes Klarhauser | ML (-10)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
The Kaiser.. I never won a game against Johannes and still haven't.. But this game could have gone the other way. I guess we both made some stupid mistakes, but me forgetting in playing A Royal Hunt in front of a Tragic Turn combo at Assess Contamination made me lose IMO. I decided to get Silaran Prin with Historical Research to stop Kirk from doing his thing and removing a One Man can Summon the Future with GPT. Also using 5 point at his first attempt at his first mission to make the most of TT to get ahead. Not choosing to kill Ezri Tigan with Entek proved to be an error on my part. I decided to draw into more cards to get fuel for Telle instead of playing Entek and killing Ezri while Quite a Coincidence was on the table. Also the strangest thing happened; I declared a mission attempt and Johannes started counting the cunning on his personal.. He misunderstood and thought I just gave him the turn. No worries Johannes.. Probably the kareoke messing with our heads.. The game ended when I could make a final attempt at Eliminate Harvesters for a modified win. With just one Leadership in hand a Dignitaries and Wittnessess was to much for Garak to cheat around. |
I was very lucky that Peter had a less than perfect starting hand, and ended up having to draw and discard a lot of cards early on, among them two copies of Prison Comound and Labor Camp. He downloaded Silarin Prin on turn 1 to ward off my Kirk, which was a wise choice.
Peter surprised me by drawing and spending an extra three dilemmas on my first attempt, killing a lot more guys than I had expected. With the limited amount of capture cards I had seen, this caught me entirely off guard, and I lost several personnel that were hard to replace adequately.
Next turn, Peter Ensnared Willard Decker to keep the Ezri Tigan his Evek and already captured the turn before some company.
I was able to stall Peter for some time at his space mission, but I could only play around Tell for a couple of attempts before I ran out of tricks. Also, I have to apologize to Peter here: when he announced his second mission attempt, I was already planning my next turn in my mind and wasn't paying close attention, and so for some reason I thought he had said he would end his turn, when in fact he was waiting for me to give him dilemmas. I can only imagine how weird I must have looked for him, spending some time counting the Cunning on my own personnel instead of drawing dilemmas. Sorry, Peter!
And my next blunder came right next: I flew away from Deliver Evidence without actually completing it. I had ten dilemmas under, six personnel aboard the ship who could do the mission (barring any Uninvited or the like), but was already a step ahead in my mind, and flew to my homeworld, beamed up guys, and attempted Assess Contamination.
I was lucky that Assess Contamination screwed up Peter's TT dilemma combo, and I got away with four or five under and less kills than I had feared. In the meantime, Peter had played a Quite a conincidence and had also drawn a Corbin Entek, a combo that could have nette him ten points right away. Peter chose to draw more cards instead, digging for The Central Command to move past things like An Issue of Trust after I had taken out Tell with Secret Identity. I was able to stop him at Eliminate Harvesters again, though.
On my turn, I played Number One to rescure my personnel from the brig to dodge the Quite a Conincidence/Corbin Entek combo, then completed Assess Contamination, and even remembered to fly to Deliver Evidence and score those points.
With both players having planet and space done, I was in the lead, 70-60, but Peter got another turn to try and complete another mission. Luckily, Peter still had a Gomtuu on his ship and so couldn't fly home for reinforcements for his last mission. The only playable dilemmas I drew were Temptation, which would probably have failed to stop enough, and Dignitaries and Witnesses. Peter had already used Garak to great effect to overcome an Infinite Diversity despite my best skilltracking efforts, but this time he couldn't generate enough Leadership to beat the dilemma.
Another less than convincing win, and an embarrassing lack of concentration on my side.
Danish Fun Fact #255: Unlike Peter M., Peter v.d.H. isn't really a Dane at all, but he's just as much fun to hang out with!