Peter van der Helm (Helmp) |
Tournament Report - 2E Standard - Vandros IV Regional |
2011-05-28 - 11:00 AM |
Koblenz Cardies |
Introduction |
On friday evening I was still considering if I would make the trip to Koblenz. My fellow Dutch players all had to work or had other obligations, so I would have to drive alone. I finally decided to go at around 11:00 pm and did some changes to my Cardassian build. Mainly increased the deck size and teching the dilemma deck against Klingons/Borg and Federation. Who would have known I only faced no Klingons or Federation decks all day.. Actually that blew it for me too because the Romulans and Starfleet seemed to have all the answers against my dilemma pile. Capturing some key personal to assist the dilemma pile proved to be useless.
When I made it to Koblenz after five hours of driving I was already tired. I had two hours of traffic jam and I hate that. Glad I left so early (6:30 a.m.) After some coffee we all got started. |
Round 1 | | Thomas Schneider | ML (-35) |
First round against Thomas' Borg deck I know so well. We both got off and Thomas downloaded his stuff without me able to do anything about it. Amanda is useless against Quintessence without Broca.. So mean while I was trying to get a Evek into play and started attempting at Commandeer Prototype. I knew Back to Basics was going to kick my butt, but what can I do? I didnt have enough personal with Treachery/Officer to be able to create a team that can unstop with The Central Command. I saved up on ships in hand against Tactical Disadvantage but Thomas never played it while I had the ships in hand of course.
Thomas was having some difficulties with my dilemma's and at this point I was happy that I made the changes to it. In the end I had a shot at a modified win if I could solve my planet with Dejar to get the extra 5 points I needed. But Thomas stopped me with a four card dilemma combo that ended with a Dangerous Climb. Unluckily for me I had just stopped my second Geology for Polywater before... C'est la vie... |
Round 2 | | Florian Ott | ML (-35) |
Florian played a Starfleet deck. At first I thought; I can handle a damaged Starfleet deck , but Florian had something very different planned. I'll tell you this; His multi-species Starfleet is A Pattern of Lies and The Captains Quest proof. After capturing Archer, I had some hope to be able to remove more of his mission skills and decided to target his Astrometrics personal. This worked out in the end, and prevented FLorian from getting a full win. Florian cheated around almost everything I thru at him. D'vela, Navaar, Lorian, Weyoun all the tricks in the book. My strong anti klingon/borg/federation dilemma's didn't hurt him a bit. And even the Phoenix didnt hurt him because of the 10 points from Earth. 85-100 |
Round 3 | | Kathleen Fultz | FW (+100) |
Kathleen played a deck I kind of know on paper. But I seem to forget who can't get stopped or killed under what condition. Having several Moral Choice' in the dilemma pile made me a bit relieved, but I never needed them. I had a nice crew up and running in turn 5 and solved Commandeer Prototype on my first attempt. With some captives from Evek (Benjamin Sisko and George Primmin) and a Phoenix in play things were going well. And they stayed well. The Central Command also made me solve Eliminate Harvesters quite fast. Katy was having difficulties at Kressari. I decided to get rid of all the Officers and got lucky with Hard Time (Pulling Lore). Katy solved on her 4th attempt I think, but I solved SNW right after that. 100-0 |
Round 4 | | Marco Puelsch | FL (-15) |
Marco played Romulans and I dreaded to see Far-Seeing eyes turn up. At least my deck was big enough to handle a punch.. But Marco played a very different kind of deck and I wasn't prepared for Romulans at all. As I was building up a crew so did Marco and somehow my dilemma deck failed again. Drawing all my Gomtuu's at his planets for instance. The filters weren't hitting and his expensive personal had all the skills he needed. With 5 captives (Picard, Shinzon, Donatra, Ptol, Tebok) in the brig finding only one Prison Compound to score 25 points was just not enough. Interesting deck choice from Marco that got me off guard. 65-110 |
Round 5 | | Tyler Fultz | TT (0)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
The Borg Assess Contamination deck with EtC. I read all about this puppy on trekcc. Tyler and I got off to do our stuff. Tyler filled his core with events quickly to assist his dilemma pile. He also filled his discard pile with almost all of his deck. Tyler started attempting with 7 at Assimilate Resistance. Luckily I had teched my dilemma pile a bit and was able to stop him for at least 3-4 turns. Thats were A Pattern of Lies Gomtuu and Captain's Guests are for boys.. Tyler kept killing my crew at Commandeer Prototype with his Unfair Comparison + Tsiokovsky and others. I had some 8-costers in my dilemma pile too but didn't get lucky any time. I was saving most of my Amanda's for the nasty stuff. So I canceled Reborn and a Knowledge and Experience and used Entek to remove some other assimilation events. In the end I did sold CP and Tyler solved his AR. With some bonus points each we tied at 35-35. |
Peter came with a capture build, which is always a threat to Borg. This was compounded by me foolishly failing to get the Queen into play. Capture ended up not being a huge threat, but the game nevertheless went very slowly partially thanks to my frequent Two of Nine use, but also Peter's slow playing. The game ended one turn away from me completing Assess Contamination which would have likely been the end. |