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Ross Fertel (Faithful Reader)
Tournament Report - 2E - Qo'noS Regional
2015-05-09 - 02:00 PM
StarfleetMACOs in Heat
I didn't have the Starfleet achievement, so I figure if I'm going to go for it, might as well try for that darned MACO Acheivement too.

Round 1ByeBY (0)
The Dreamer did a great job of slowing me down early. I was only able to attack with oen of my heroes and while buffing is great, it doesn't help deal damage. I was able to flip her, but not before she killed two of my heroes. Time was called and I saw where it was going.

Round 2DS9AndrewMW (+40)
He was playing a neo DS9 Deck with Gamma Quadrant Missions. We had problems getting ships out as well as general solving issues, but I managed to pull ahead when time was called.

Round 3KlingonJoshua SprungFL (-100)View opponent's Report
Klingon Fighting deck. Of course, it's hard to fight when I have no ships. I got one last turn, but by then, it was too late; I never attemtped a mission.

Round 4Dominionjason balesFW (+70)View opponent's Report
Our decks both did what they were supposed to do. This was a bloodbath thanks to Jason's event support. Those really put a cramp on things and I was ready to Lustful Distraction oen of them away, but used it to avoid a crippling strike. Very tough game against a worhty opponant. I wasted two mission attempts to face Intimidation, but eventually pulled out the win.

Closing Thoughts
Sadly, I remain without that Darn MACO Achievement. Condition Red helped out a lot with staffing. Most of their tricks are for getting around dilemmas, but no direct nerfing. There was drawbacks, but it was a fun one to play.