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Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event
2021-01-30 - 10:00 AM
BorgRomulanNerf Obsession
ok tngborg it is again. this time with more focus on planets (great teacher)

Round 1FerengiSebastian KirsteinFW (+100)
my deck works like its suppose to be. T3 i solve the first mission for the teacher and 3 turns later im already at 100. Seb is reporting hundreds of kinda useless ferengi and isnt accomplishing much. sometimes qualitiy beats quantity ;)

Round 2KazonMichael Van BreemenFW (+64)
MVB is playing a solo quad deck in the delta again. I feel he was a little too anxious about attempting, but he is the better player, so what do i know. after a couple of turns i score 100 without any major events.

Round 3MaquisKCANiall MatthewFL (-30)
i was wondering when niall brings his baryon spam to a tourney since he played that in a testmatch ages ago. only reason i stuffed KU:C in my borgdecks ever since. first mission hits Bij!. Sucks for Borg. So I have to discard the objective and go to the next mission without my Teacher :(. 2nd mission hits Display:Mila who gets Transport Inhibitor. Nice combo. mission is unsolvable now. Meanwhile Nial plays some Buildups and a Gap in front of my artifact mission, so I cant go back. Eventually I manage to solve a third scout attempt. Then I sit disabled until I draw KU:C in my last 3 cards -.- he only allows me to move one mission before the buildup stops me again. So i end at 70points and a useless ship. Turns out even KU:C doesnt help much and if you put the spam into a tier1 KCA deck it actually works. congrats on the win.

Closing Thoughts
as always niall brings the fringe *** nobody prepares for and honestly i think the freeplay on obsession should be limited to your own ships. tng borg sadly is very weak to anything that disables the ship. maybe thats a good thing, because the deck is crazy fast. or maybe design gives us a scoutship/# borg cube with tng logo somtime in the future because it really feels bad.