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Richard Engler (rtiger32)
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event (Mission to Talos IV)
2023-12-01 - 12:00 AM
First time playing rainbow. I decided to lean Fed/Kazon/NA

Round 1Paddy TyeFL (-70)
Lost the race, plain and simple. Our missions were to our own sides, and with my kazon raider being taken over by emergent lifeform + Engine Imbalance, and no other ships on the table, I was stuck for six turns before I could use my ship again.

Round 2Brad WFW (+70)
Were this not a 12 mission enforced spaceline, we would have shared four missions. For a while, nobody got a ship. I dropped the first ship, a mercenary, and went to solve prison break only to be stopped by Spatial rift, which killed minnis and halok, my only engineer. I then drop lower decks and return to solve a few turns after. Viper manages to drop an intrepid and attempts his prison break, only to be stopped by aggressive behavior. I drop an intrepid, and ferry over my remaining people to go for study cometary cloud, breezing through with little trouble. Viper manages to solve prison break, and then tries botanical research only to get stopped by crisis. I drop a second merc ship, and the two merc ships start harrassing intrepid, while my own intrepid heads over to my botanical research, running into now would be a good time, forcing me to beam up the crew. This didn't stop me, so I beamed down again, and got past the last dilemmas for the win.

Round 3DominionJarrod CafaroFW (+100)View opponent's Report
This one was straightforward. Both of us with missions on our own sides of the spaceline. Takket got the first ship drop, a romulan scout, and I got the second, a Kazon raider, which I promptly sent to his side of the spaceline to harrass his ships. Next turn, I dropped a merc ship and proceeded to sweep Cometary cloud, Study pulsar, and stop bombardment with no real snags for a quick victory.

Round 4RomulanMathew McCalpinFL (-65)