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Brad Snyder (ORION)
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event (Mission to Talos IV)
2023-12-01 - 12:00 AM
VidiianYou cant. always get. what you want
I was excited about this tournament but I played awful from start to finish and even got a little unlucky.

Round 1FerengiMaggie GeppertFL (-100)
Wow. Perfect storm in a good way for Maggie and a bad way for me. Q-tent and 2 AMS for Maggie. Static Warp Bubble for me. We duplicated a space and planet mission. I modified my combos a bit to compensate and ultimately chose poorly. I seeded my outpost at our duped planet mission and chose a modified version of a scientific method combo to hopefully bypass. Unfortunately, I didn’t draw into a third SCIENCE quick enough despite being half way through my deck. I tried to vary the spaceline a bit, but with the duplications it made it difficult for me to alternately seed and other than one of mine on her end and one of hers on my end, It was her half and my half with the two overlapped missions middle of each side. Turn 1 she dropped a Q-net between my outpost and 3 of my missions which kept our duplicated location on her side of the wall. I correctly chose in seeding my horg’ahn to avoid her dead end/matriarchal society combo but never had a chance to get there as I never drew into more than 1 of my 5 diplomacy. I stupidly forgot my dilemma was first at my outpost mission and attempted and exposed my own dangerous liaisons. She decided to come work on that mission first also. She self-seeded two casino royale dilemmas and had mickey D for the easy points. Very smart. She was stopped but came back later to overcome Scientific Method. Sadly, I could have killed one of her needed solvers with Remember the Alamo but missed using the card when she beamed down. It was actually designed for the unmodified combo so I should have been ready but goofed. She worked her way through a space combo but lost her astrophysics mission specialist to kazon bomb which caused her points with two solves to come just 3 shy of 100. A few turns later she played drought tree for the FW. I had -5 from Blackjack. Lots of back and forth reporting and adept mission attempts from Maggie. The only mission I could attempt all game was my outpost (she beat me there) and my own Dead End seed (her outpost at our duplicate space mission). Tragically in walling her off with my own Q-net I chose the wrong side of her outpost and walled off my only other attemptable mission at her far end of the line. She only had 4 dipomacy in her deck and I had killed Drang with Kazon bomb so different game if I place the Q-net correctly. Out-schemed and outplayed. Excellent deck. Very well done Maggie! 0-100.

Round 2FederationBrian SykesFL (-95)
Talk about not learning from your mistakes or just making new worse ones… We duplicated 3 missions. Notably the second duplicate space mission ended up with 11 seed cards - all dilemmas. Most locations had 6 or more seed cards. He seeded his outpost at the mission I had already locked in on for my own outpost at our duplicate planet mission in the middle of the spaceline. I seeded Horgah’n there and didn’t clear first attempt (short by 2 integrity) so he swooped in for the 35 pts and the Horgah’n. Luckily, he next chose a space location where I had a decent combo. Spatial Rift killed 5 people, Dejaren got only 1, but rascals and the clown: playing doctor with menthar booby trap took down another 5 to strand his last remaining crewman. I prepped to take down a duplicate space seed and cruised through the dilemmas (including both of our null space’s) only to be locked out by chula: the door. I then cleared all dilemmas at the neighboring missions but to that point I was through half my deck without drawing a single medical personnel or medical equipment and it was a mission requirement there. I cleared another of my planets to the last dilemma to be stuck again by scientific method. Still no medical. I kept on moving and hit cytherians at my space mission at the end of the line. He cleared Chula: the door by discarding holodeck door from hand at our duplicate space to win the game. Prior to that Hazardous duty took me down from 10 to 5 and he won with 105 - 5 from mission specialists. I cleared all but 9 of 11 dilemmas under 2 of our shared missions only to lose them both. Terrible gameplay. 5-100.

Round 3Edwin LatrellFL (-25)
This one went down to the wire. Finally no duplicated missions. No huge issues with the spaceline or outposts. He played 3 outposts and spread them out starting his card plays in the middle. I put Horgah’n next to my outpost. Neither of us drew into a ship for awhile. I did get a type VI shuttlecraft after about 10 draws. Unfortunately, I had “I just love scanning for lifeforms” and parallax arguers burning a hole in my hand. My fears were realized when I had to toss Miradorn Raider. I also had to chuck atmospheric ionization which was a helper to a weak combo of all kill dilemmas I was running. I solved my first 2 planet missions and got my horgah’n for a very early 75 points. He was able to shift gears and move past the combo meant for Atmospheric Ionization with a large away team. At 75-20 I just needed a space solve. I ran through first attempt easy but hit radioactive garbage scow. I had the ENGINEERS but not the tractor beam. I moved on to the next space mission. I had range to attempt the further one but was worried about a Cytherians which I hit last game. Invasive procedures hit and took away my only transporter skill so that I couldn’t get past the last dilemma of emergency conversion. Far from my outpost with no range and no other ships I was forced to move on to the end of the space line. No cytherians this time but maglock stopped me as all 4 of my OFFICERS present were attributes -2 taking 3 of them down to exactly 5 strength and the other to 4. I had to wait for one last of his turns to solve and win the game, but he was able to get through scow and then SCIENTIFIC METHOD in successive turns for the final points/solve/win. So close! Very well played. If I had atmospheric ionization to thwart his large away team or one other ship to bring over another Transporter Skill or I just continued to the end of the spaceline and attempted there first vs. the mission where I hit Invasive Procedures then I would have gotten over the hump this tournament. Excellent play from my opponent and a well earned come from behind win.

Round 4DominionJarrod CafaroFL (-60)View opponent's Report
I played back to back games with Takket for two different tournaments. He played very well and won both games. I actually got Atmospheric Ionization, Q-net, and Remember the Alamo working for interference for the 3 weaker combos. We duplicated Study cometary cloud in the middle of the board and I completely failed to learn my lesson and lightly seeded it with Dead End and Linguistic Legerdemain. Once he had 70 points he flew over and took victory. I did get my Horgah’n and a good five or six turns out of it, but I just wasn’t drawing the skills I needed to fast enough. He used Brain Drain on my only Stellar Cartography to ensure I could not slip past Navigational Hazards, solve a second mission and fly next door to beat him to Study Cometary Cloud. He had a Q-net waiting in his hand as well just in case he needed it. With Birth of Jr attached, I was then stopped by Stellar Flare and didn’t get to see the Navigational Hazards. Next round I would have launched my carried shuttlecraft to get out of the jam. For the first mission solve he got past Atmospheric Ionization by using blue alert to land everyone instead of beaming in trios. Very smart and very well played. Oh, and apparently, I bailed him out on one of his mission solves because he needed two treachery, only had one, and hit my Vantika’s Neural Pathways in the dilemma combo lol. Congrats Takket!

Closing Thoughts
Needless to say my opponent's put together some really good decks. Grats to everyone and well played!