Jarrod Cafaro (Takket) |
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event (Mission to Talos IV) |
2023-09-01 - 12:00 AM |
2023 Talos Voyager warp speed |
Introduction |
Round 1 | | Joe Kallstrom | FW (+40) |
I drew a Kazon Warship so that was my seed. Idea being to go down the spaceline and menace anyone leaving their outpost. Worked pretty well as he had one small ship out.
My outpost is at Combat Training and I have a Kazon Rifle and 4 Majes so not too hard to solve. He’s kind of bottle up at his outpost and I’m not too worried. I hit an implication at Combat Training but thank goodness I drew Magistrate Drang, the ONLY Law and Diplomacy in my entire deck.
I solved combat training with some Majes for 40. He’s stuck on a Land Eel at his outpost. I pull my warship off “intimidation patrol” and go over to Reinitialize Warp Reaction. I forget what dilemmas he had there, but I’m going to win on my next turn.
To my surprise he goes over to a space mission and just RIPS through all 3 of my dilemmas there and solves the mission. Suddenly I’m close to losing, but he doesn’t have the Range to get back to his outpost and pass the land eel, which I think he needed another turn to do anyway.
My turn I solve RWR for the FW.
Round 2 |  | Kris Sonsteby | FL (-35) |
I move the warship into position early in the game, and I’m building up people at Combat Training with my Kazon Gun. He drops two Vidiian ships early with enough shields and weapons that I can’t win a fight. He attempts his outpost mission from a ship and is stopped by Navigational Hazards. I redshirt Combat Training and lose 10 to Lack of Prep
I send the warship to Reinitialize Warp reaction and it gets attacked by a Macrovirus. Then Implication stops them. Dang. Two of my three crew die, but I report two more there next turn to move it, then rescue the crew with my Shuttlecraft.
He passes implication with Magistrate Drang, and then gets stuck on a scow.
I start working Combat Training again. LoP then hit a flash plasma storm. It kills Stadi and Chell, then I hit assassins blade. I have 1 security and exactly 36 cunning. *FACEPALM*. I’m stopped and he kills someone.
He tows the scow at his outpost but moves over to attempt a planet mission. He hits LoP and loses 10. Stopped.
I play Rekar and Marla Gilmore (because I need a fed to pilot my shuttle) and pass Assassins Blade with 2 Security. Next up, Matriarchal Society. DANG IT. I was going to play Ril the Kazon female with Marla Gilmore, but I thought Rekar had more value. If I’d played Ril I would have passed Assassins Blade on cunning and had the 2 women for MS. Oh well.
He ferries some people around and solves his outpost space mission, then goes back to the planet and passes LoP. He loses two people to a spacial rift and can’t pass it. But attempts with some other people and I draw a person with cunning 7 and the OLNY person he had with cunning 8. *Facepalm*. He passes the rift then hits a land eel. No he’s stopped.
I know I’m not getting another turn, so I play Magistrate Drang so I can pass the implication at Reinitialize Warp Reaction, and Nevela (Romulan female) to pass MS. I solve combat training. CURSE my low range Federation shuttle though. Reinitialize warp reaction is 8 range away, and the shuttle only has 6. So I have to put everyone on the kazon warship and attempt. I wanted to move the shuttle to the same mission with a solving crew on it, but no such luck.
I attempt, pass implication, and the kazon warship hits scow. I have enough range to tow the scow to his planet mission, but not get back to RWR. I was going to beam down and attack his people on the planet but I left my transporter control module back on my outpost!!!!!! OOPS! I can’t beam off the warship.
Next turn he tows the scow away and solves for the FW.
Round 3 | | Paddy Tye | FL (-55) |
Got my Kazon Warship out turn two and sent it down the spaceline. I also got the Interpid in opening hand so used its transporters so red shirt combat operation but got hit by Villagers. He attempted his outpost mission and got hit by LoP
I got past a Trabe Grenade then hit a Kazon Bomb at Combat operation, but figuring the last dilemma there was just some wall I could throw a pile of people at on my last turn, I sent the intrepid off to attempt a space mission. I got hit with a Spatial Rift which killed Stadi, the only Federation I had on the Intrepid, and now it is stuck!
He got past LoP and lost some people to a Spatial Rift, then picked through that and got stopped by a Land Eel. Eventually he solved and moved over with 2 Vidiian ships to attempt a space mission. He lost some people to a Spacial Rift again.
I could attack and damage one of his ships but decide to use my warship to see the last dilemma at my space mission. It is a scow. So I tow it over to the space mission he is attempting, and attack and damage one of his ships.
I’m playing people back at my outpost but I need to draw into my last ship to get them over to my space mission. I have Physics at my outpost but none on my ships so I can’t complete the space mission. The LAST CARD in my deck is my shuttle.
He attempts and gets stuck on Implication, no Law.
I play the shuttle and Stadi (from my regenerated deck) but my space mission is 8 RANGE away, and my shuttle plus Stadi is only 7 range. If I had one my range I complete my space mission, then beam everyone to the intrepid and go complete Combat Training, which after the game Paddy showed my only had Matriarchal Society at it. Kazon Warship Doesn’t have the range to help my so I tow the scow back to his mission and damage one of his ships. He doesn’t have the RANGE to get back to his outpost, pick someone up, then fly back, so I think I have him.
He played a law on his turn and regened his deck and drew the ship I had blown up and played that. Bad luck for me. He plays the ship, tows the scow with a second ship, moves the second ship to his outpost, beams to the ship he just played, then flies back to the space mission and solves it for the win.
Round 4 |  | Mathew McCalpin | FW (+35) |
He put 4 dilemmas at my space mission so I knew I was going to have to deal with that! I sent my Kazon warship down the spaceline to harass him, but he got out two decent ships pretty quick that could damage me.
I attempted Combat training and hit a Crisis, so I brought my Kazon Warship back home so I could use an officer on it next turn to pass crisis. I did have another ship out but figured I’d just use the extra people to complete the mission.
I throw everyone down there except for keeping an officer on my ship next turn. I pass Crisis then hit a Kazon bomb but, wow, I actually have 3 security! I pass the bomb and hit Implication but that’s no issue, because I have Magistrate Drang (Law) in hand and I’m ready to play him next turn. I send my USS Intrepid over to attempt the space mission knowing I’ll solve the planet next turn. Hit Navigation Hazards, have 2 Nav but no Stellar. Stopped.
He passed a LoP at his outpost planet mission, and hit a Hanonian Land Eel. So even though he can’t really help with the Spacial Rift I know is next, or the mission requirements, I kill his Magistrate Drang because I figure that might prevent him from passing MY Implications. He completes the mission and is up 35-0 but waits before going after his space mission.
I complete Combat Training with some Ogla, and its tied 35-35.
I move my Kazon Warship to the space mission where my Intrepid is, and put two people on the intrepid who can complete the mission as a backup crew. I intend to throw everyone else at the mission from the Kazon Warship so I hope I’ll plow through every dilemma there. At the last second I remember the Intrepid needs a Fed person aboard to attempt, so I throw a Fed over there.
OOPS!!!!!!!!! I moved Stadi to the intrepid, then attempted, and FORGOT I now had only 1 Nav of my Kazon warship, and failed Navigational Hazards! So he got an extra turn, but was nervous I’d just blow his ships up if he moved to his space mission (he was right), so he stayed at his outpost.
My turn I report two Kazon to the warship, and attempt again. Pass Nav hazards, hit a Common Thief and lose my transporter control module, next was Gravimetric Distortion, and I had 2 Astrophysics to pass that, and last was another Implication but I still had Magistrate Drang. Passed all the dilemmas, didn’t have science on my kazon warship, but I attempted from the Intrepid and solved my mission.