Jarrod Cafaro (Takket) |
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event |
2023-09-22 - 12:00 AM |
Orangemen are not just for Syracuse - Chairs Challenge 2023 |
Introduction |
Round 1 |  | Chris Lund | TT (0) |
Started off with dumb mistakes. I played the Krayton on turn 1 and some people, then went down the spaceline to drop people off at his missions so I could use Ferengi Commerce operations to download some equipment. Completely forgot that having done that meant I had no ship to get my anthropology over to my duck blind, so no extra card draw.
Still he was playing Ferengi as well and started slow, so I didn’t fall too far behind. He attempted Extraction and got pinged by Friendly Fire. He has Gozar killed, and Valuable Prisoners him to be my captive. So I haul him down the spaceline along with my FCO equipment on my Kurdon.
I attempted Host Metaphasic Shield test, and lost 1 point to HtF. Then stopped by Looking for Parmach. I don’t have a lot of women in this deck so I attempt later with the officer+cunning requirements and pass it. Lost one male to a downloaded brief romance. I hit Unexpected and use Kurdon’s special download to get another Exo to pass that dilemma. Then Quantum Leap. Well, crap. I only have 1 Arch in the whole deck, so I’m locked out of that mission permanently.
I attempt Revenge Plot and that is locked out by a Dead End, then attempt Steal Technology and THAT is locked out by a Friendly fire. I play a Parallax Arguers.
He re-attempts extraction but gets locked out by Tricyanate poisoning. He then attempts his one and only space mission and gets stopped by Maglock.
So I’m all the way down to Reallocate Dividends. Redshirt here and hit Ferengi Infestation, so sniffing out a parasites I bring over a second away team with some phasers and ferengi padd to increase cunning. I pass infestation and only lose 2 to parasites. Then just BARELY miss passing a Land Eel. Next turn I can pass the land eel, then pass the dead and friendly fire locks for the win.
Unfortunately the timer is up. He has the last turn and Rescues Captives on his Gozar to score 10 points from Assemble Rescue Team, but decides not to attempt. Final score is 10-4 but no missions complete. True Tie, 0-0.
Round 2 |  | Mathew McCalpin | FW (+97) |
I couldn’t draw into a 62nd rule, which hurt me. He has two mission specialists at his Trading Post, and I’m thinking about using Defend Homeworld to slaughter them with Sons of Mogh. But he plays a bunch of people and a Ferengi Disruptor. So forget that.
My turn I play a bunch of people Red Shirt Host metaphasic Shield Test. A fast ship would be nice kills one guy, and I red shirt again by beaming someone else onto my ship. Rules of Obedience kills Red Shirt #2.
He goes and hits Edo Probe at Remus, where he is set up with a prisoner he took from me with Valuable Prisoner. I use Defend Homeworld to grab Mordoc, (Security + Treachery), and team him up with a few others to pick my way past Rules of Obedience. Last dilemma is Ferengi Attack, but I have Greed, and pass it. I leave the mission without solving so the Edo Probe stays on his mission.
I start working the mission next door, Refine Innoculation. I red shirt Beverly and she gets stopped by Emenian Disintegration Protocol. Realizing he can’t get past the Edo Probe if I won’t solve a mission, he throws a large crew at a space mission, and passes Authorized Access Only with three officers, but then hits Cytherians. I don’t know how many people are on his ship, but apparently it was most of them, as he doesn’t seem to have any people left to attempt elsewhere.
I’m frustrated because I’m not drawing into Dr. Cristopher or Particle Fountain. And I attempted Host Metaphasic and refine Innoculation before I every drew into 62nd rule, so I can’t play that either. I’m going to come up 5 points short! I currently have 10 from two Arguers, and he has 3 from Processing Ore. I send Dr. Reyga alone to attempt Amnesty Talks, hoping he gets killed. He does to a M-113 creature.
I attempt and complete Host Metaphasic, and use Scientific Diplomacy to put Dr. Reyga in my bonus point area for 47 points. I’m at 57. Then I complete Refine Innoculation for 35+5AMS for 40, and I’m at 97.
No choice but to complete another mission. I have 3 ships at Amnesty Talks. I cure M-113 and red shirt into Misinterpreted History. I have enough people to pass it, but I cannot do so without committing enough people that I can’t solve the mission with a backup crew. So if I hit Cytherians I’m pretty much screwed, but I figure I can make it to the end of the spaceline before he can win the game anyway.
So I pass MH, and last dilemma is Chula the Door, but lucky for me I have a Q’s Tent doorway in my hand. I place it out of play, then complete the mission.
FW 100-3
Round 3 |  | Kris Sonsteby | FL (-95) |
He was playing personnel battle Borg and these Ferengi are woefully ill equipped to deal with that lol. I slowed him down a bit by playing b’rels and cloaking to hide, but his Tachyon Drone put an end to that. Although I did very much enjoy attempting a mission with the Kreyton and using its special download to grab The Trois to get past his V’Ger with their Empathy. That was the only 5 points I scored. LOL
He assimilated a bunch with Assimilate Species, and a couple more with Assimilate Counterpart on my Dr. Arridor. At that point I was bottled up with a lack of resources and just waiting for him to complete objectives for the win.
Round 4 |  | Matthew Zinno | ML (-50)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
Well, drat.
I finally had a chance to use Defend Homeworld to send Son of Mogh to a Ferengi Trading post, ad I slaughtered his mission specialists. But this didn’t slow him down too long. He was using Jem’hadar warship, invasive transporters, Dominion War Efforts, and ASP Jemmies to come and harass me, with 34rule draws. I grabbed two phasers but they didn’t help much. He slaughtered my Anthro guys at duck blind, then came over to my outpost. I hid on my cloaked b’rels.
He was playing Ferengi at Tower of Commerce, but it was slow building as he had many resources devoted to fueling the jem’hadar attack. I played a couple Parallax Arguers and he used a Victory is Life and I was up 10-5 for quite a while.
I finally got two leaders and blew up his Jem’Hadar warship which cost me a b’rel but at least his Jemmies were bottled up on my outpost. I played 62nd rule on Host Metaphasic Shield test and attempted that. Got stuck on a Scow of all things. I had 1 Engineer out, but his Jemmies killed my other one in their attacks. I had three more in the deck plus the Kreyton (DL Any ferengi) but never drew into any of them. So I could never tow the dang scow.
Next door was a planet mission we had duplicated. He had only 1 dilemma there and I had two, but I knew one of mine was dead end, so I could never complete this mission without doing Host Metaphasic Shield test first.
He attempted Ferenginar and got both his ships damaged by Buried Alive/Gomtuu Shockwave. So he went and did the planet next door instead. Lost a bunch of people to High Ground/Parasites, but eventually plowed through Ferengi Infestation and solved the mission for 35 + 10 62nd rule points (causing me to lose 10) and he was up 50-o with the timer running out.
He threw a bunch at Gomtuu shockwave back at Ferenginar but his ship got blown up by God and he was pretty much out of luck.
All I could do as time expired was go attempt Amnesty Talks since I never drew into an engineer. I passed Gravimetric Distortion but had no Anthro at all on my ship and was stopped by Aggressive Behavior (Dang Jemmies killed my two Antro at my duckblind early in the game)
ML 50-0
4. My Jem'Hadar went back to killing, actually starting with the Sons of Mogh who reported aboard my FTP and killed my mission specialists. Next they killed his Duck Blind, then beamed onto Jarrod's outpost and started killing there. He started hiding his people on his ships, and even cloaking (B'Rel), and eventually tried a mission to find an RGS, and he had no ENGINEERs (ever, for the rest of the game). My Ferengi started attempting and eventually passed High Ground (Kahless+Khan+jemgun helped me not break 62nd) and FgiInf, and solved Energy Readings with (again, I couldn't find any Anth) Suna V Ref/Th + Kahless copying. And this was flying back and forth on a shuttle damaged by Gomtuu, but boosted back to 9 range with 2 Relays. At the end, Jarrod tried a different mission, passing GravDist but not Agg since I'd killed his Anth at the Duck Blind. Final score 50 (mission + 62nd + VIL) – 0 (2 Parallax – 62nd).