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Bruce Parrish (Captain Parrish)
Tournament Report - 1E - Romulus Regional
2019-04-07 - 02:00 PM
Non-AlignedEveryday Im Smuggling
I decided to build something totally new before going all the way to New York, and I did, but I also forgot to print it so I had this deck laying around and it seemed cool so it got played. non-aligned 22nd century is crazy fast with war council/ protect the timeline

Round 1FederationMatthew SokolFW (+24)
This game began with some Ent- E action and some smuggler action/ no battles or anything just attempting. I did bring some pretty evil combos so I somehow managed to take the Ent E with a fast ship and to strand everyone on the Insurrection planet. What followed was the craziest game of trek ever. Matt had to use his Injector Assembly 1 to fly around in and somehow he was gaining ground quickly with that ship.

Round 2RomulanStarfleetMark PannaFL (-100)
Mark earned this game hardcore, he managed to come back after not being able to field his drones. Also, Fast shipped his Enterprise This was 3 drinks in so these descriptions are only going to get shorter. Even after all of this, he locked me out of my mission with Rock people, God'd me and then sent me down the spaceline with a cytherians. You see people, not all interference is in your face, we never actually battled each other but if you had seen the spaceline you would've thought the most epic war was going on.

Round 3StarfleetChristopher GhiorziFW (+100)
Chris is pretty cool and he was playing with the actual Enterprise cards. No Admiral ever hit the table to download Enterprise so he had out Columbia and I fast shipped it so he was stranded while I went and solved.

Round 4MaquisKCARobin Honeycutt FL (-60)View opponent's Report
No Fast ship action to be heard of here.

Closing Thoughts
Romulus Regionals was a Blast if you have never Attended one and if they plan to do this again in the Future its one you don't want to miss.