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2022-08-12 - 06:00 PM
1E Sealed tournament - 2022 European Continentals Side Event
# of Rounds:3
Entry Fee:
Format:Sealed - Players are provided with cards to build a deck at the event.
Card Pool:Limited - A subset of all cards, as determined by the tournament director
Rules:Modern - The preferred rules for all [1E] events.
Special Scenario: -
Decklist Required:N
Pre-registration Required:N
Location and Contact Information
Tournament Director: Johannes Klarhauser
Contact Phone #: Please login to view contact information.
Contact Email: Please login to view contact information.
Host Venue: Kaiser's P(a)lace
Address: Moosachstraße 44,
85778 Haimhausen,
Other Information: Kaiserfest 2022 Warm-up event

Please note:
As for all Kaiserfest side events, exact schedule and format is up to players' preference. The plan is to have one side event for Friday night; one for Saturday late night (after the OTF main event); and, if enough people are interested/awake/sober, one on Sunday morning/noon.

Options are:
- OTSD Sealed + additional boosters (can be spiced up with boosters including virtual cards) [limit 12 players]
- Coming of Age Pre-Constructed OTF [limit 12 players]
- Warp Speed Cube Draft [limit 6 players]
- Voyager Warp Speed + additional boosters
- if your preferred format is not on the list, please get in touch

Alternatively, there will Darts, Beer Pong, Board Games, Pool Volleyball, or, you know, socializing over some drinks.
Tournament Results
Player NameVPsSoSDiff.CVP
Tournament Winner1Julius Melhardt Austria1019
2Peter Ludwig Germany1016
3KlingonJohannes Klarhauser Germany916-5
4Martin Hirschvogel Germany916-40
5Sebastian Kirstein Germany61925
6Jorn Engstrom Sweden6195
7KlingonFederationGerald Sieber Germany615
Random Prize8Meinhard S. Rohr Netherlands3