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2010-07-04 - 01:00 PM
2E Sealed tournament - 2010 Australian Continentals Side Event
# of Rounds:3
Entry Fee:$20 (free for 2e Finals drop-outs!)
Format:Sealed - Players are provided with cards to build a deck at the event.
Card Pool:Limited - A subset of all cards, as determined by the tournament director
Rules:Standard - The preferred rules for all [2E] and [TR] events.
Special Scenario: -
Decklist Required:N
Pre-registration Required:N
Location and Contact Information
Tournament Director: Matthyas Kiraly
Contact Phone #: Please login to view contact information.
Contact Email: Please login to view contact information.
Host Venue: Good Games Burwood
Address: 195A Burwood Rd
Burwood NSW 2134
Other Information: 2010 Australian Continentals Side Event - Transwarp-Super-Fun-Sealed-RTTAQ-esque-Madness

Gotta be seen to be believed, folks. Another Australian-first. One not to be missed!
Tournament Results
1Non-AlignedRobert Dawson Australia911
2Shane Brierley Australia910
3Voyager Smiley Australia7
4Craig Giblett Australia6
5Kieren Australia516
6TNGSteve Hartmann Australia515
7Peter Hill Australia514
8Clayton Walton Australia511
9Matthew Townsend 410
10Kenny Nguyen Australia46
11Daniel Waller Australia318
12Daniel Hyde Australia39