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Johannes Klarhauser (Kaiser)
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event
2014-08-04 - 12:00 AM
DominionRomulanThe Big Treaty Project, Episode 10: Shiar Heart Attack (Romulan/Dominion)
Romulan/Dominion Treaty this time. The deck needed a lot of seeds to work anyway, so I went ahead and made it 12 dilemmas only. General Quarters really hurts this deck, as it depends on several early downloads to run smoothly. Regular Q's Tent and no Ref cards for protection.

Round 1Stuart MarshFW (+77)
vs. Stuart. We both had to find out how our decks work in this game. Stuart had a nice engine where NA Worf would repeatedly kill Jem'Hadar in battle for card draws with 34th Rule. He scored bonus points via Dabo and Heart of Glory, but struggled with the dilemmas he encountered. Myself, I was lucky to have Anthro and Exobiology on universal guys to beat an early Arsenal Divided > Linguistic Legerdemain for an early clearance, and with the skills of the Founders eventually made my way through two more missions.

Round 2KlingonChris A. MeadFW (+60)View opponent's Report
vs. Chris (TNG Klingon w/ Metaphasic)). I had all my six missions next to each other, with Insurrection and Romulus in the middle, my outpost mission next to Chris' side and Earth on very end. Not bad. Chris didn't GenQ me, so I had my Duck Blind running early and was drawing 3 for several turns before I splashed the remaining personnel into play for the last push. I had cleared Earth early, then made my way through two space missions. I lost a ship in the process and had two more damaged, but in the end the redshipping paid off. On the other side of the spaceline, Chris needed some time to clear a Garbage Scow (which later ended up at Earth, eight missions further on) and Scientific Method, solved eventually, but lost a crew to Plague Ship then and couldn't get through Medical Crisis before I solved.

Round 3Missed GameMG (0)

Round 4Missed GameMG (0)

Round 5Meinhard S. RohrFL (-65)