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Joshua Sheets (prylardurden)
Tournament Report - 2E Standard - Qo'noS Regional
2012-05-05 - 12:30 PM
CardassianRomulanRomulan Cardassian Contamination
I tried the whole Kirk/Donatra/Assess Contamination last year during Regionals and got it to the 'almost there' point. Then they went and smacked it around (at least 2 got errata) so I shelved it. After going to a couple of Regionals this year and seeing a fair amount of non-skill dilemmas and no AC, I figured it was due for a comeback but with a new spin - swap swap a Lush and Beautiful Home for a Hardscrabble World. Main reason - to include Telle. So I put together a deck and brought it to the Regional.

Round 1KlingonChris JonesFL (+25)
I cant believe I did this - I solved a mission too soon and lost the game because of it. I 1st turned Croden into a free Scout Vessel and around turn 4 went to Kressari with 8. I lose 2 peeps to dilemmas and the remaining 6 solve. However, I had no range left. Chris plays Heart of Glory and Ferocity and clears 3 personnel of my ship. Just my luck as he pegs all 3 Romulans and destaffs me. Next turn, I play the Galor I should have waited on. Chris plays another Heart of Glory and Ferocity the next turn and clears 3 more off the ship. That gives him the time to start hammering his missions, and altho I stop several attempts at each mission, he gets his first two missions fairly quickly. By the time I get my crew rebuilt, Chris is well into his third mission. I get out and 1-shot AC but dont have the range to get to TCS (I have FTB in hand to play next turn to do either mission over again) but I dont get that turn as Chris puts 3 away teams together and breaks thru the third mission for the win.

Round 2ByeBY (0)
You lose first round, you likely get the bye.

Round 3TNGNeal LawsonFW (-45)
Neal is playing TNG so Im fairly sure he wont come clean off my ship :) I Christening for the Galor anyway. I get stopped a couple times at Kressari (no Donatra in sight) and get thru on about the 3rd attempt. I manage to hard Time a skill out at Neals first attempt and hit him with ID twice before he goes back home to get that one. This gives me time to get thru AC on the first attempt but I did have to Donatra a dilemma and dont have 3 4-cost out for FTB. So I fly home and wait what ends up being two turns (because all previous games where i have ever attempted TCS as not part of the plan have ended badly). I get stopped at the 1st attempt the second time thru but put several under and end up solving with 6 after Bioneural Computer Core nets me Neal's Battleship Data.

Round 4VoyagerJoel SkonMW (-5)View opponent's Report
Joel and I stall each other a lot at our missions. When he gets thru Caretakers Array, he burns 15 of the 20 points on AWCs and does his RTF/7cost Chakotay TATV/other assorted goofiness for a very long turn (just seemed that way, wasnt really) and starts triple-teaming missions. Insurrection slows him down a bit and its almost time when I solve AC for the 70-35 lead. I end my turn and Joel starts spending his counters right as the timer goes off so we will each get one last turn. He sets up multiple teams for his first mission (a 30-pointer) with 3 already under. I end up only being able to throw No Kill I to stop the one attempt, but give the 2nd team a free pass. But it also meant he could only double team the last mission instead of 3. I manage to stop both attempts at his last mission. But then I realize I dont have FTB in hand or the crew on my ship to solve TCS. I need either a Galor in the first 3 cards or (the riskier, and by that, if I use FTB and dont complete, we true tie) FTB in the first 4 cards. Dukat, ETU, Donatra and GravTrap are 1-4 and it ends in the MW for me.

Round 5BajoranJared HoffmanFW (+60)
Jared is playing some goofy Bajoran discar extravaganza mess and Im using Pimp Dukat, not Greasy. So close. We both get stalled at missions, and then I get my crew rolling. I get thru Kressari and, at AC, Jared misses on An Issue Of Trust (Neral hit the table a few turns earlier, I just hadnt picked him up yet) and I solve AC in short order. One FTB later, Im trying again. I manage to get thru AC the 2nd time before Jared finishes his missions.