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Joshua Sheets (prylardurden)
Tournament Report - Tr
2012-04-21 - 07:00 PM
War Is Good For Business Mark III
I built a new version of my battle deck for this event. I had 12 100k Tally in the deck but kept wondering if I should add more. Turns out, I should have.

Round 1 ()
This one is over quick when Al (after a couple of small Poisons, each 100s) hits MVB's 100k Antidote with a Poison. Early lead to MVB, at a little over 300k.

Round 2 ()
This round nets Michael Moskop 100k off a Toxin (i think it was Corbin's). Corbin used those discards to go out with 1112.

Round 3 ()
Al got a couple of early Poisons but not for any large denominations. I make a mistake when I Utilize MVB right after a Masaka. It netted me 100k, but put him out very quickly with an IDIC in his pile (130,000) and another 150k-ish in the pile.

Round 4 ()
People are realizing I have a lot of big cards in my pile and are poisoning and utilizing me a lot (this trend continues at the final pod). Corbin goes out for around 270k tribbles to end the round, putting him solidly in 2nd..

Round 5 ()
Round 5 goes fairly quickly, after an early Masaka, and MM goes out for around 124k.