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Unjustly Banned (RedDwarf)
Tournament Report - 2E Standard
2011-05-15 - 10:30 AM
RomulanHomage to Doug [v2]
Homage to Doug version 2 involved replacing 50 cards from version 1. I ended up last out of 6, last time I played Version 1. Version 2 didn't fare much better. I finished 4th out of 6. Hopefully, by the time I get to version 4 or 5, I'll be winning tournaments...

Round 1DS9-EarthNon-AlignedStuart MarshFW (+60)
Things started so well for me. By the end of my second turn, I had Getting Under Your Skin (GUYS) and Prejudice and Politics (P&P) in play. Over the next few turns, I was drawing and playing cheap events to rack up the points. We had completed one mission each, and the game swug in my favour on my second mission. Stuart stopped a couple of personnel, and I got to use Karina to unstop one of them. I didn't really care who I unstopped (they were equally worthless cannon fodder in my eyes), so I picked Ptol on a whim. It turns out that his Programming was the third programming I needed to overcome Stuart's Maglock. As Stuart has stopped all but one of my Intelligence personnel, I had to use the Integrity requirements on Intercept Renegade, and Ptol was my only source of Officer for that. I completed the mission thanks to one Power Shift, and had enough points left over from P&P/GUYS, that I won the game. I was so happy/lucky (delete as appropriate) that I had unstopped Ptol.

FW 100-40

Round 2DS9Non-AlignedWilliam HoskinFL (-55)View opponent's Report
I had another great start in this game. Both GUYS and P&P were on the table early again. However, this time I didn't have any Praetors or Senators to use P&P with. This meant my 5 point scoring was not as regular. I built up a solid team though and went to Khitomer Investigation first. This was a planet mission, but I didn't care because I had Donatra to protect me from Necessary Execution. Or so I thought. It turns out that I hadn't played Donatra yet, and Will drew Necessary Execution. That followed by Center of Attention saw me lose Ruwon, Ptol and Karina. 13 counters worth of personnel lost to two dilemmas. Ouch.

While I regrouped, I flew Sela (Mysterious Operative) to Will's Political Intrigue. Sela was in the deck to screw with the Borg, but it turns out she screws with Androids too. Will was forced into attempting his only other planet mission: Historical Research. Integrity ... with Androids ... Ha! Unfortunately, I hadn't noticed that Will had replayed Ira Graves. When I casually gave him In-Development as the only dilemma, thinking that would be enough, he unstopped Lal - who he then gave the mission skills for the win.

FL: 45-100

Round 3BorgNicholas YankovecFL (-55)View opponent's Report
Awww crap. When Nick's Borg Assimilator works, it is tough to beat. When I'm playing like a moron, I'm easy to beat. The odds were not good for me. My first mistake came when I tried to play Coolant Leak followed by Gomtuu Shock Wave at Assimilate Resistance. I knew Nick hadn't played any 1 cost drones, but I figured he must have had several Engineers. He had no Engineers, so it didn't stop anything and he breezed past Gomtuu and completed the mission on his first attempt. I had been careful not to discard any personnel though, so he couldn't assimilate anyone from my discard pile.

Worried about falling too far beind, I played a ship and went to attempt my first misison with 15 personnel. I had intended to attempt with them all, but then I remembered Nick saying he had Bio-neural Computer Core in his dilemma pile. Then, I couldn't remember what that dilemma did and became convinced that it kept assimilating personnel until you only had nine personnel remaining. I made the decision to go with two teams. Yes, I had Donatra there. Yes, I forgot about her ability to nullify dliemmas like Bio-neural. Two teams went down. Not many returned after Nick massacred then with his dilemmas, and then swooped in to assimilate some more on the next turn.

I gallently tried to recover, but I couldn't resist the chance to make a fool of myself one last time. Donatra was one of the 15 who went down to my first mission and never returned. Nick had assimilated her. I forgot this, and played a 6 cost no skill dilemma at his next attempt. He used my Donatra against me, and a Knowledge and Experience against Assassination Attempt to complete the mission. One with the Borg on his next turn gave him the win.

FL: 45-100