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Unjustly Banned (RedDwarf)
Tournament Report - 1E Sealed
2011-09-17 - 10:00 AM
Klingon[OTSD Draft] Fed/Kli/Rom Tri-Treaty
Each player received an OTSD and then drafted 8 packs of Premiere and 1 pack of Alternate Universe. The best cards I drafted were (dilemmas) Crystalline Entity, (missions) Survey Mission, (personnel) Beverly Picard, Satelk, (events) Red Alert! Telepahic Alien Kidnappers, (interrupts) Distortion of Space/Time Continuum and Scan. I had some severe skill shortages, but wouldn't realise that until a couple of rounds into the tournament.

Round 1Paddy TyeFL (+70)
(memory failure #1) Paddy played five outposts, I only completed one mission, lost the game, and I remember thinking that my dilemma combos weren't very good. That's about all I can remember from this game.

FL: 30-100

Round 2RomulanMarcus SmithFL (+100)
I tried adjusting my dilemma combos for this game, but I was still left with a couple of useless ones. (For example: Archer, Anaphasic Organism and Microvirus; all three of which required Security and Medical). I seeded those combos where I thought Marcus wouldn't encounter them, but he seeded his outpost at one of the missions and completed both really quickly. My poor skill matrix had me being stopped quite often by his dilemmas, and he won before I could complete one mission..

FL: 0-100

Round 3RomulanDanny NuttallFL (+35)View opponent's Report
Danny was playing a Klingon/Romulan battle deck. I dropped Red Alert pretty quick and the next turn Danny dropped 4 ships. His outpost was about five missions over though, so I had time to build up a decent team of personnel. I breezed through a mission really quickly, had cleared the dilemmas at a second, and was working on my third mission before Danny's armarda appeared. He destroyed my ship in orbit, leaving about 10 personnel on the planet below. He had already played a Loss of Orbital Stability earlier and had used Res-Q to retreive it, so I knew that as soon as I flew another ship to the mission for my personnel, I'd lose them all. I completed the mission, and knew that I didn't really need any of those personnel for my final mission (which I had already cleared of dilemmas.) While Danny spent several turns killing my personnel on the planet, I was just hunting for the skill I needed for my last mission: Physics. Knowing that Danny still had the Loss of Orbital Stability in his hand, I formed two teams on two ships. I flew one over hoping Danny would use his interrupt on it, but he didn't. I guess that he decided to save it for the second ship. Naturally, the first ship was a bluff and my only Physics personnel was on board. I feigned that I had made a mistake, and just flew the ship home before ending my turn. Little did I know that he couldn't play the interrupt as I was at a space mission. The following turn, Danny completed three missions in one turn and won the game..

FL: 65-100

Round 4ByeBY (0)
My first, ahem, win of the day. Awesome!

Round 5KlingonRomulanWilliam HoskinFL (+95)
WHORE! In the whole tournament, only one player stole a mission from me. My brother, the WHORE! To make matters worse, he had seeded a Radioactive Garbage Scow at a mission next to my outpost, and then towed it over to my outpost before playing Destroy Radioactive Garbage Scow to kill all my personnel (who were on the outpost. Had they been on a ship docked at the outpost, they would have been safe. Stupid rules.) WHORE! I lost heavily, and think my brother is a WHORE!.

FL: 5-100

Round 6Niall MatthewFW (+100)
This game worked out really well for me. Niall had't seeded a Spacedoor, so he couldn't make use of my Red Alert. It also meant that he couldnt destroy my Static Warp Bubble. Once I played Telepathic Alien Kidnappers, Niall was discarding a card each turn and I had the chance to force another discard if I guessed correctly. After a couple of turns, Niall was down to one card in hand at the end of his turn, and I was guessing personnel each time (often correctly.) This stopped him from playing any more personnel, and once I killed half of his crew with Nagilium, he was more-or-less locked out of the game.

FW: 100-0

Round 7Kevin JacksonFW (-75)
Kev hadn't drafted many dilemmas, and had only seeded two at each of the three missions I attempted. Fortunately, I had a great shuffle, and I had just the right skills out to overcome each dilemma. Kev struggled with mission skills, and could only complete one mission by the time I had won..

FW: 100-25