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William Hoskin (Gumbo)
Tournament Report - Tr - Worlds Day One
2012-09-06 - 06:00 PM
AU Point scoring Tribbles
200,000 headstart with this deck there is only a couple of things that could beat me. Or so i thought.

Round 1 ()
SOme fairly simple poisons and the dreaded Utilise getting my points score rolling along with a Tally or two. I didn't go out but had extended my lead.

Round 2 ()
shortest round ever. 1, 10 poison picked a 10,000 antidote. awesome a low scoring round and lots of cards in discard piles. As I was in the lead by a few 100,000 I was very happy with this.

Round 3 ()
a normal round got a 100,000 and 50,000 from Tally extending my lead. No big score from the person who went out,

Round 4 ()
more poison trying to hit an antidote but keep missing and getting some 10,000. every tribble counts. finish round 4 ahead by around 300,000 don't thik anyone can beat me......

Round 5 ()
Everything was going so well until there was a little Death march with everyone going bust not having any 1s to play and Garry with the largest deck size won the round and tournament.

Closing Thoughts
It was all going so well until the hugh death march in the final round. Well done Garry.