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William Hoskin (Gumbo)
Tournament Report - 2E
2012-09-23 - 10:30 AM
DS9DS9 - bajoran plus
Our first post Worlds tournament and I'm trying to get the play DS9 10 times achievement. I'm at 8 so this cracks it up to 9.

Round 1DS9-EarthMr SladeFW (+65)
Matt didn't know what hit him. I got an awesome start with Kira, Quark, Jadzia and Winn in my opening hand so I scored a fair few bonus points before Matt even left his HQ. I was on 35 when I went and attempted blasting through Matts dilemmas getting a mission on the first attempt. Matt makes it through his first mission but gets hit hard on the second one with unfair and an 8 coster for cheap. I hit my second mission and get 3 under so next time I should be fine. Matt has to fly home and get some reinforcements and I manage to solve my second mision for the FW

Round 2CardassianUnjustly BannedFL (-30)View opponent's Report
I hate James and I hate Cardassians. Capturing and skill cheating and Skill gaining. James was playing the ships and Dukat, Damar, Garak, Aamin. I was sure I was introuble once he got going. I played a Tongo and it got blown up, I played another Tongo and it got blown up. I never drew into the 3rd and figured I would be better off attempting. I managed to get 2 missions and 4 dilemmas under but James attempted his final mission and I thought I had an awesome combo but managed to play the wrong second dilemma. Swashbuckler and the Intimidation knowing that Dax was the only non Cardassian and the rest could use the Central Command. Rather than playing Oracles punishment and stopping the mission skills/skill gainers. I always seem to screw up against James.

Round 3DominionNicholas YankovecFW (+15)
Nick was playing his Dominion deck and It was going to be close I got some Tongos to hit early and Nick got 5 points from one as well (damn 7 cost ship on top) other than that we traded mission attempts and solves. I only needed 2 missions Nick needed 3.

Closing Thoughts
Lucky James, I more turn and I think I would have beaten him. Theres always one and it's usually him.