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Nicholas Yankovec (nickyank)
Tournament Report - 2E Standard - Danish National
2012-03-04 - 10:00 AM
KlingonDanish Klingon mmm
Ah, the Danish National Championships. The 3 UK players had high hopes for this tournament; the Danes are good players, especially Peter and Soren, but Will, James and myself thought we might be able to pull the rug from beneath them. How wrong we were... I played a total of seven games in two tournaments in Denmark, and my only turn going first was in my very last game of the day, and not once during the Nationals. Oh how I wish I had played Historical Research..!

Round 1MaquisPeter H. MøllerML (-45)
Peter was the eventual winner of the Nationals, using a Maquis "annoyance" deck, combined with a TT/ACE kill pile. The combination of the two proved very effective, the Maquis slowing my Klingon solver down to a crawl, barely getting through half my deck before time was called. Mission attempts were the expected massacre, which I can recover from with little problem normally, but the Maquis made things too slow. My attempts at slowing down Peter were also good, event destruction and my dilemma pile kept him from getting a Full Win. I do believe I was the only opponent Peter faced who kept him from getting a FW at the Nationals, so I take some sympathy in that.

Round 2CardassianMorten SandbergML (-5)
Morten is a good player, although one of the lesser known ones. Looking at his record, he's beaten quite a few good players, and has a 64% win ratio. I expect I underestimated him during our game. Morten was playing a Cardassian deck using the ships team and a sprinkling of capture. Very effective, quite fast, and my new most hated card The Central Command. Oh, and bloody Insurrection proved a real pain as well! My last turn, I was down by 40 points. Several dilemmas under my Rescue Captives (with Insurrection on top), 12 personnel in play, Kruge in the brig, and none under Brute Force. My choice was to either go for Rescue Captives or just head straight to Brute Force. I attempted with 6 at Rescue Captives, but with Insurrection one stop for this team was enough to stop them all. My second attempt was successful, which netted me Kruge from the brig and Insurrection under Brute Force. I attempted with 7 personnel, but unfortunately the Security was stopped, and a Modified Win to Morten. A good game. I'm hoping Morten will be able to get to the UK or the Europeans this year for a rematch..!

Round 3ByeBY (0)
At this point I got the Bye; after 2 losses I had time to reflect. James had a Bye and a loss at this point, Will had 2 wins. After giving myself a pep talk, I was back and ready for round 4...

Round 4KlingonJoltbunnyFW (+100)
Joltbunny, or Michael for people to embarrassed to call him by his "nickname", was playing a Klingon deck similar-ish to mine. If there is one thing my Klingon deck is good at, it's beating other Klingon decks (see my 100-0 defeat of James' Klingon deck the previous week). I don't remember much of this game, but I managed to get my first Full Win of the day. Joltbunny is a great guy, by the way, who joined us for dinner and drinks the evning before. All I can say is Three Slags :)

Round 5KlingonChristian TusborgFW (+70)
Christian is yet another fun and friendly Danish chap. And also playing Klingons! And also very similar to my deck build. I think it was Christian who was using Comandeer Prototype; I tried desperately to win before he could complete this, as I wanted to complete two 30 point missions and Brute Force; if he downloaded the Phoenix, I'd need a 4th mission. Unluckily, he managed to solve it before I had one - luckily he downloaded a rather random Romulan ship. I'm still confused by this, but I'm sure Christian must have had some reason! Still, my 2nd FW of the day. Along with the Bye, that was enough to land me 3rd place, thanks to the many games going to time, a respectable result.