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Nicholas Yankovec (nickyank)
Tournament Report - 2E
2012-08-05 - 01:30 PM
KlingonKlingon datryswr gyfer NACC bencampwriaeth
Return of my Klingon deck, with all-new, all-different dilemma pile! Well, not that new, as I'd used it with previous decks, but hey.

Round 1StarfleetWilliam HoskinFW (+55)View opponent's Report
Luckily for me, my dilemma pile was pretty much an anti-Starfleet pile. I remember capturing Archer on Will's first mission attempt, and he never managed to get him back. With Kruge and an engagement in my core, the Future Enterprise was taking refuge at Earth, and while I could have captured the Damaged Enterprise, thought it wasn't worth the time wasted. Will's dilemas didn't slow me down too much and it ended being a comfortable win for me. Thanks Riker!

Round 2Borgmark radfordFW (+75)
Mark was playing his Borg deck again, but couldn't get out his No Win Situations in time - I managed to Tacking the one he did get out, and muscled through his dilemmas for the full win.

Round 3TOSUnjustly BannedFW (+65)View opponent's Report
James and TOS... we were both playing Unfair Comparisson, and at the first mission I passed this with my dilemmas costing more. At my 2nd mission attempt, I had 9 personnel in play, but for some reason my gut told me to leave Riker on the ship, and attempt with 8 Klingons, which I did and hit Intimidation, which allowed me to play Bridge Officer's Test, and with multiple skills at Rescue Prisoners I got my 2nd mission. James first atempt at a space mission didn't go to well for me - he completed on his first atempt, but after that my dilemma pile worked as I hoped, giving me the full win. Near the end, his Enterprise was unstaffed, and I was set to play an Engagement, capturing his only ship in play before I realised that I didn't have Kruge in play! That would have been sweet :)