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Matthew Hayes (karonofborg13)
Tournament Report - 2E Standard
2011-03-22 - 05:30 PM
RomulanThat is Jenga!
My try at a Romulan European style deck. Failed miserably, but, I did have fun playing it.

Round 1DominionMaquisJerad BerhowFL (-50)View opponent's Report
Jerad's Borg. ?! Grr. I got Assess Contamination after about 4 or 5 tries, but, that is all.

Round 2ByeBY (0)
Byes suck. 'nuff said.

Round 3VoyagerMike RudolphFL (-100)
Mike, Mike, Mike. As he's played a Strange Bedfellows attempted achievement deck, I prepped for two HQ's. Well, he switched back to Equinox, and no contest, they and their shenanigans, I'll say it for the umpteenth time, suck! Too many damn tricks, if ya ask me. oh well.