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Ben Paulsen (benpaulsen86)
Tournament Report - 2E Standard
2011-05-14 - 11:30 AM
CardassianTain/Intelligence- Strange New Worlds and Before
Before the tournament, I considered running Androids, Bajoran microteam integrity, or Tain Cardassians. I decided to go with Tain! Interesting sidenote, I had the largest deck and smallest dilemma pile. Of note, Gomtuu hurt!

Round 1RomulanAmber Van BreemenFW (0)
Amber was playing Romulan Guys with stop preventers along with an Overwhelmed pile, both of which I was familiar with from playing them in prior tournaments. Amber had some bad dilemma draws and combos and I was able to slide through Whispers and Tsikolvskys without kills. Amber had slow personnel draw and lost two personnel on her first attempt causing her to go home and lose a turn in process. FW 100-5.

Round 2BajoranCarlos PabonFW (0)
Carlos played Bajorans and got slowed at his first mission losing two key people. Then he tried space and got sent to WNHGB. That allowed me to speed through to win 100-5.

Round 3BajoranGreg BloomFW (0)
Greg played Bajorans and got the weenies out on turn 1, no pun intended. Greg seemed frustrated with his personnel, unable to find his higher integrity people. Meanwhile he was stalling me with Gomtuus. I eventually got space complete and then it was all planet for me. Got slowed a bit at 2nd planet attempt, and then had a decision to make. I could strand 5 people on the planet knowing I may not be able to get them for couple of turns, knowing I would be running out of dilemmas I decided to head to final planet mission and attempt with 7. Greg tried to keep any from going under by giving Hard Time/Captains Holiday combo. Thankfully, I had a NA Archaeology with Comfort Women in hand to share with Dukat getting past the dilemma and the mission FTW. Interesting note, he returned a Cardy Archaeology with Hard Time. Also, Greg and I both played all 3 of our Hard Times. FW 100-35.