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Cristoffer Wiker (Smiley)
Tournament Report - 1E - Omarion Nebula Regional
2012-06-09 - 12:00 AM
Klingon2012 Regional Block Constructed Klingon
For the first time I was way to unprepared for a tournament. I should tell you that I usually tweak decks the night before but this time I was still building it. Not a good combo. So when I'de been up until 5 in the morning; printing, cutting, glueing and sleeving my deck I was way to unfocused on what I was actually doing. So come morning I woke Scox who was using the spare bedroom and ate a quick breakfast and took the subway to the center of Stockholm. We had the luxury of acquiring the new Dragon's Lair shop in Skrapan (a really exclusive small mall and in the good part of town). Everything was ready for us when we arrived but we waited for the last players to arrive and to finish sleeving their decks. The deck I was going to play was a Kingon TNG deck with the focus on... nothing! I managed to keep all the cards from all my ideas in this deck and I had forgotten to weed them out. So I was sitting there with a deck with way to many ideas and cards and no real way to play it. I was going to have to hope for a good draw and to topdeck everything I needed from here on. I think I will make the next tournament a Sealed one so I'll have a possibility to win. I never played Scox who was the winner which was a bit sad. All in all it was a good experience that have taught me not to build untested decks the night before (especially tired) and that a fat deck is probably a good sign of that you are not done with your weeding of it.

Round 1Niklas LindFL (+60)
My favourite guy and fellow player. We match up more often that I can count and today he brings a Ferengi deck to the table. I hadn't picked them for top shelf material but after seeing them cut through my dilemmas like butter I have to change my thoughts on this one. Nicklas played really well and I was struggling to stay awake. I played like a tractor distributing manure over a field. Managed to get a Council of warriors on the table and managed to solve the mission on the coming turn, mostly out of pure luck as I found the skill I was missing, left under the outpost. After this Nicke just plowed through my other comboes and took home a full win and leaving me sitting there wondering what had happened.

Round 2KlingonTorbjörn LindquistMW (-5)View opponent's Report
Now it was time to meet Linkan of 2E fame. It's good of him to start playing 1E as he don't live to far away. Maybe we can play more often when we play the same game. Linkan was playing a copy of my deck, but with actual potential to do something. I managed to NOT draw into any of my Council so dropped that Idea and went for a few free plays with Mercenary Raiders instead. Didn't really help until I managed to get enough K'vorts on the table to start hunting Linkans only ship down the space line. He managed to get back to his outpost and debarked but I on the last second managed to get my Pagh out and scored 5 point from a Tactic for the Officer Exchange card. I have seem to have no luck with either draw or managing any personnel to surviving a mission attempt.

Round 3Harald CederlundFW (-65)
Last round agains last years 4th place. Harald brought a Federation deck with what seemed to be a focus on ambassadors. I quickly got a ship and started to hunt his personnel down. With some luck and pure coincidence I managed to solve wo missions but was now more or less out of personnel. Harald went for a 40 point mission but failed on the las dilemma. But me, having finally woken up, anticipated this and swooped in for my last points and took a full win for a whooping 4th place.