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Cristoffer Wiker (Smiley)
Tournament Report - Tr
2016-01-23 - 07:00 PM
8 people showed up and Linkan brought along enough decks to feed an entire army.

Round 1 ()

Round 2 ()

Round 3 ()

Round 4 ()

Round 5 ()

Closing Thoughts
The game didn't go anywhere due to the combination of decks and how everyone was sitting so it was more like watching paint dry. To many tribble powers made it so that almost every card drawn and played needed an explanation. Playing 8 at a table was not fun at all. In one of the games I managed to play a total of 3 cards. The rest of that round I was either skipped or reversed. That makes for one sad round. Interaction is important in games and sitting beside a dance player the entire game is not so fun. I thing some sort of seat change is needed between rounds. Not something that should be found on a card only. Tribbles are usually fun to play but this time it was mostly just waiting.