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Dan Hamman (SirDan)
Tournament Report - 2E
2013-06-15 - 01:00 PM
TNGRitual Suicide v4
I grabbed my Fed/Bajoran deck to take with me, because it doesn't take much though to play.. and I didn't plan on having many brain cells to rub together by the third day of Origins. Before I left, I took out the Bajor HQ and Kira, replacing them with more Lwaxanas and These Are The Voyages. Seemed to work pretty well.

Round 1DS9-EarthJoel SkonFL (-30)View opponent's Report
I didn't get much of a jumpstart against Joel, and he finished all of his missions to my one. He managed to capture or kill all of my Medical(and Ezri changed sides), so by the end I was treading water trying to recur personnel and hope my dilemmas held up. They didn't.

Round 2DominionFerengiRoss FertelFW (+95)View opponent's Report
Ross unfortunately never left his HQ. I gave him 5 points with Guinan, and scored 100 myself. I got out quick, and Ross pitched a few people to Uninvited Guests. Fortunately for me, Nog had the rare Acquisition and I was able to skate past it. I think the personnel he lost to those discards slowed him down even more.

Round 3BorgJoshua SheetsFW (+55)View opponent's Report
No idea what to do against Borg. So I decided to throw the speed plans out the window and go nuts. I attempted with 14 at Practice Orbital Maneuvers. Josh played a stack of dilemmas, but didn't pull a Tragic to enhance the killing. He stopped enough, but only whacked 4 guys. I lost another to assimilation on the next turn, but was able to solve with the remaining nine. I moved on and started grinding through the next two missions, people died but they were cheap to replace. I ran through the next mission, and started working on the last. Meanwhile Knowledge and Experience helped Josh get past my dilemmas, and we were down to the last turn. Josh played a Final Adventure and agonized on what number to choose. He had slaughtered many people, but I Tacked into the Wind and got some back, so it was kind of a crapshoot as to who I had in play. The correct answer was 3 for Sisko, as he is really good at Protecting the Escapees. But 2 was chosen and Nog was whacked. I solved the mission and won. Whoo hoo!

Closing Thoughts
I hate Cumulative Victory Points. Perhaps we should not use it for round robin events - It is effectively meaningless and gives the win to a coin flip. I think I still would have come in third if we used differential, but at least the win would have felt less artificial. Fun deck. I tire of playing Cadets though. I felt the deck was unique when it was running Bajor for the Guinan/AWC?/Kira/AWC? trick. Now it feels (and probably is) like a cheap cadet deck. Ho hum.