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Smiley (Iron Mike)
Tournament Report - 2E - Australian National
2014-11-23 - 10:00 AM
TNGAusNats 2014: Justice
For this deck, I had the idea of playing a deck where everyone (bar one guy) can play for one counter, meaning that it's easier to drop massive crews with skill redundancies. Results varied.

Round 1VoyagerDaniel WallerFW (+100)
Walzo's deck is a quick milling deck, so I ran like the clappers to get out as much as possible before he discarded through my deck. i got lucky because he just couldn't draw the right dilemmas and get mill quickly enough to stop me.

Round 2VoyagerShane BrierleyFL (-100)
Shane's Voyager deck is reliant on solving Caretaker's Array to fuel events that cost five points, at which point he slingshots ahead. I failed to do so, which meant that a lot of Voyagerites came out quickly. Chuckles and Revised Chuckles both tear up Chula dilemmas, meaning I was largely boned.

Round 3RomulanTOSBen DillonFW (+100)
I recognised the build of deck, which was one wherein three missions are solved in one turn for the full hundred points, after a long period of setup. So I decided to race for it. I got lucky with my first mission where he drew no viable dilemmas, and he just couldn't set up his one turn win in time, as on his next turn he had the win.

Round 4RomulanTOSGreg DillonFL (-30)
Greg was playing basically the same deck as Ben, so I tried to replay the last game. I burned through the dilemmas, where an Insurrection locked me out of my second mission for a few turns, saved by Admiral Dougherty. In a mirror of the previous game, I had it on the next turn, but his one turn miracle occurred.

Closing Thoughts
My idea of total skill redundancy on cheap people has some clear advantages, but it's let down by the fact that one cost people have horrid attributes. Back to square one.